First Date Preparations

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"Serafina! Stop stuffing your face and help me. What am I going to do?"I ask her frantically.

"Oh relax would you? It's just a date," Serafina says while stuffing more fries into her mouth.

"It's not just a date. It's a date with Axel!"

"Exactly! The guy practically worships you. It's going to be fine," She reassures.

"He does not worship me," I say in disbelief, stealing one of her fries.

She growls at me and slaps my hand away from her food," Of course he does. He's obsessed with you and nothing that happens tonight is going to change that. Now, shut up and calm down. And don't touch my fries!"

She was right. I don't think that Axel worships me or is obsessed with me. But I know that he really cares about me and he genuinely likes me. That's not going to change in one night.

I sigh," Alright, alright. Just..can you help me get ready?"

"Duh," she says dismissively," do you know where you're going yet?"

"Oh my gosh, no," I say," I have no clue. I don't know where we're going or what we're doing.  What do I wear?!"

"Relax! We'll come up with something."

I wonder what Axel has planned. I'm sure that whatever he has planned will be amazing because I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to romance. I don't need fancy restaurants with fancy dresses and suits, I actually prefer not to have that. I rather do something simple and fun like a picnic, going to an arcade or even a hike. There's also nothing wrong with a dinner and a movie, I mean I love movies. And food. 

I love food.

I just hope everything goes well tonight. I really don't want to anything to ruin this.

Zoey suddenly appears at our table," Hey, why do you look like you're gonna puke?"

"She's going on a date with the doofus," Serafina answers, causing me to slap her hand at the 'doofus part'.

"Omg! Yay!"Zoey exclaims," what are you guys gonna do?"

"I have no clue! I need you to help me," I grab her hand and squeeze," please help me."

Zoey eyes me weirdly," Okay I'll help you," she turns to Serafina,"Is she okay?"

"Look at her, what do you think?" Serafina responds.

Zoey eyes me again and pries my hands off of hers before patting it cautiously," Point taken."

I huff," I'm not crazy."

"Yeah, sure," Serafina says sarcastically.



"What about this?"




"How about this?"

"I said no. Want me to say it in Spanish? N-"

"Oh stop quoting Teen Wolf and help us," Zoey interrupts.

I sigh and fall back on the bed in defeat, "I don't know what to wear."

"You're gonna look great in any of these options, so just pick one!" Serafina suddenly exclaims.

"Okay you know what? Get up," Zoey orders.

"What?"I ask, looking at her.

"I said get up. Now. You're wearing this. End of story," She responds, throwing a pile of clothes on me.

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