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"So where does this leave us?"

I look up from the bowl of popcorn in my lap to Axel who was staring right back at me. 

When he had finally come down from his laughing fit, we decided to watch a movie since his family would be out all day. Now we were cuddled up on the couch with my head laying on Axel's shoulder, my leg was thrown over his and his arm wrapped around my waist. His other hand was rubbing up and down on the thigh that was thrown over him.

"What do you mean?" I ask him before shoving popcorn into my mouth.

"I mean, what are we? Are we together? Are you my girlfriend now? Can I have my way with you?"He asks with a cheeky grin, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at the last question. I could tell he was slightly nervous to ask me, though he played it off well.

I feigned offence and tweaked him on the nose," No, you may NOT have your way with me." He chuckles and tries to nip at my fingers with his teeth, causing me to giggle at his antics.

I continue hesitantly," And as for your other questions, I think I need a bit more time."

Before he has a chance to react or say anything, I quickly explain," I'm sorry, I-I just-this is all so new to me. And I need to mentally prepare myself for all of the ooey-gooey kissing, touching and all of the cheesy stuff that comes with being in a relationship."

When I look at Axel, I expect him to be irritated or annoyed but instead he has an amused smile on his face, "What?"

"Ooey-gooey kissing?"He asks with a smirk.

I let out a laugh," Don't judge me okay? I'm nervous about all of this ."

"Then we'll go as slowly as you want. We'll take it one step at a time. But don't overthink it, everything will come naturally," Axel replies with a reassuring squeeze to my thigh.

I smile up at him softly and, after gathering up all of my courage, I place a soft kiss on his cheek," Thank you for being so understanding."

He looks down at me with a soft smile and  tucks my hair behind my ear," Anything for you, Sunshine."

I grin at him," You know, I really like that nickname. It's cheesy but not icky."

He chuckles, "Icky?"

"Yeah, you know, like Boobear or Cutie-patootie," I explain, my face twisting up in disgust," Those names make me wanna vomit."

He smirks," That's pretty interesting, Pookiebear."

I shiver in disgust," Eww, don't you dare."

His smirk grows," What's wrong, Cuddly-wuddly?"'

I fake gag and push him away from me, "Stop!"

"Are you okay, Shmoopsiepoo?"

Being the dramatic person that I am, I fake stabbing a knife into my heart and slowly roll off of the couch to my "death".

"Oh no! My Bugga-boo!"He exclaims, laughter evident in his voice.

I remain unresponsive as he proceeds to call me the most disgusting pet names in history.


"Schmooooky Pookie Pooh?"

"Snuggle Bunny?"

I raise my head at that one and open one eye to look at his smiling face," That one's not so bad."

Surprise mars his face," Really?"

"No" I retort with a straight face and drop my head back down to the ground to resume my "death".

He laughs loudly, the sound bringing a smile to my face.

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