Pay Up

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The next time I see Serafina, she is glowing. Happiness radiates from her and she seems to be in a daze. I made multiple attempts to engage her in conversation but to no avail. It was pretty obvious that something happened between her and Harry.

"I'm guessing things went well with Harry?" I ask her with a smirk.

At the mention of his name, she snapped out of her daze, "What? Oh! Yeah, yeah, we're good," She replied with a nonchalant shrug.

That was an unusually bland response for Serafina, something was definitely off about her. I give Zoey a suspicious look that she immediately returns, obviously having noticed these changes too. 

"Did you guys kiss and make up?" Zoey teased.

Rather than exclaiming that just the thought of kissing Harry was outrageous and gross, as I expected, Serafina stays silent and awkwardly looks away with a shy smile.

The thought hadn't even crossed my mind but now that I think about it, she did look slightly different, I examine her closely and I immediately spot the differences. My eyes travel from her messy hair to her slightly pinker lips, down to her rumpled shirt. They were all the telltale signs of a make-out session.

"YOU DID?!" Zoey and I scream in unison.

She nods her head shyly.





"WAS IT?!"

Students in the hall look at us curiously as we bombard her with questions, causing Serafina, who usually loves attention, covers her face in order to escape the eyes of onlookers. However, Zoey and I, not giving a damn, continue to probe her for answers.

Finally having enough of us, Serafina exclaims," WOULD YOU TWO SHUT UP?! "

Her sharp voice cuts through our rambling and the many voices of the other students so that the entire hall becomes quiet, that you could hear a pin drop. Suddenly, every single person in the hall is looking at us.

Serafina, hating the attention, again exclaims," Mind your business people! There's nothing to see here!" before muttering to herself," Nosey assholes."

Startled, our onlookers quickly remove their gazes and busy themselves to avoid another reprimand from our intimidating friend.

I smile inwardly and think to myself, "There's the Serafina we know and love."

She's back bitches.

"Now, if you two are done freaking out like a bunch of annoying, teenage girls-"

"-We ARE annoying, teenage girls though," I interrupt.

"- I will tell you everything you want to know," she continues as if I hadn't said a word.

She then proceeds to tell us everything that had happened between them from the encounter at the football game to the kiss on the beach to today's events. By the time she's finished, our jaws are basically on the ground and our eyes are popping out of our skull, while Serafina is fighting to stop blushing and smiling.

When the hell did all of this happen? Zoey and I always had an idea that something was going on between them, but we had no clue they had kissed already.

After a minute of digesting the information, I give Zoey a look, to which she nods and then we simultaneously turn toward Serafina and slap her on the back of her head.

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