My knight

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"Axel did it?!"Zoey exclaimed.

I nod my head," Yeah, but he won't tell me why."

"Who cares! You don't need a reason to beat Anthony. His face is reason enough," Serafina says bitterly.

I roll my eyes with a smile," True. But I feel like there's more to it."

"What did he say when you asked him?" Zoey asks.

"He just told me not to worry about it."

"Then don't," Serafina says, with a shrug of her shoulders.

Maybe she's right.

 It wasn't that big of a deal anyway. Plus, I don't want to be the girlfriend that prys or forces her boyfriend to tell her things when he clearly doesn't want to.

"Fine," I finally say with a sigh.

"Good girl," Serafina says.

"Am I dog? Where's my treat?"I ask expectantly.

She rolls her eyes at me and shoves a few fries into my mouth.

I chew obnoxiously with a satisfied grin.

We love fries.

"Hey, bitches!"Ben says, suddenly appearing at our table.

I grin up at him," Hey, hon!"

He plops down next to me and gives me a side-hug.

"How have you guys been? Getting dick yet?"Ben asks us with a smirk.

"Ben!" I exclaim, utterly horrified.

"What? I have to ask! You've all been dick-matised."

"Dick-matised?" Zoey asks after choking on her juice.

"You know, hypnotised by the dick," he clarifies.

" Me? Dick-matised? Never," Serafina denies.

"Oh please! You can barely keep your lips off of Harry's. I'm surprised the poor boy still has lips."

She scoffs," Poor boy? Trust me, he is not the victim here."

"Speaking of victim, did you guys see Anthony's face?"Ben asks," Axel can give Hulk a run for his money huh?"

I furrow my brows in confusion," How did you know it was Axel?"

"Hello? My boyfriend is Jeremiah, that boy's mouth runs like a river. He told me everything after practice. Talk about a knight in shining armour huh, Stella?"He replies, nudging me with a smirk at the end.

"What? What do you mean?"

Knight in shining armour? 

"Axel didn't tell you?"

"No, so spill. Now," I demand.

"Alright, don't bite my head off. Apparently, Anthony was spewing a bunch of shit about you at practice and Axel shut him up with his fist," Ben said with a shrug of his shoulders.

He continues,"Coach was surprisingly chill about it though, considering he has that no fighting rule. He just gave him a bunch of laps and exercises to do."

That must have been why he was so tired. 

While I was upset that Axel could have gotten in trouble for me, I can't help but smile at the thought of Axel defending me so fiercely. 

Zoey starts gushing and Serafina wears an impressed smirk on her lips while my heart swells with adoration and my insides turn to mush.

However, a thought suddenly occurs to me," What did Anthony say about me?"

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