Can I?

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It's been two weeks since our date.

Two weeks since I kissed Axel.

Well, it wasn't a real kiss. It was a peck on the lips. 

But still, it was the closest I've ever come to kissing someone. 

And within those two weeks, Axel and I hadn't spoken about the kiss or even acknowledged it.

I think he was giving me time to process or maybe he was waiting for me to say something first. Whatever the reason was, I was grateful. 

I didn't regret the kiss. Not at all.

I was glad I had done it. It was the best way to end off a perfect night, in my opinion.

But I didn't want to have some awkward conversation about it or feel pressured to kiss him again.

 So instead, for two weeks we've been pretending like it never happened.

However, we have been getting a lot closer and I found myself getting more and more comfortable with Axel. 

Usually, I would wait for Axel to initiate any form of physical contact but recently, I've become a lot more confident. I've been initiating hugs and hand-holding, cheek-kisses, I've even been playing with his hair.

For example, right now Axel and I were in the cafeteria with our friends. He was seated and I was standing behind him, running my hands through his soft, messy curls.

"Babe, I swear to god if you touch my food one more time I'm  " Ben warns, as Jeremiah stole another bite of his sandwich.

"I'm sorry!" Jeremiah says, raising his hands up in surrender," food just tastes so much better when it's not yours."

"He does have a point," I say, coming to his aid.

Ben glares at me for defending Jeremiah making me immediately raise my hands in surrender as well. I do not want to face Ben's 'hangry' wrath.

Suddenly, Axel starts to whine like a baby.

I rest my hands on his shoulders and push my face in front of his. shooting him a bewildered look, "What?"

He pouts at me, "play with my hair!" He demands, taking my hands and putting them on his head.

I huff, leaving my hands in his hair but not playing with it like he wanted, "Say please."


"Hmmm. Too easy. Say pretty please with a cherry on top."

"Stellaaaa," he whines.

"Axeeellll," I reply, mimicking his tone.

He tilts his head back to look at me and I refuse to look down at him, knowing that my double-chin would come out to play.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top," He mumbles, not wanting anyone else to hear him.

I give in, patting his cheeks affectionately and tilting his head forward, before playing with his hair once more.

"Thank you," He says, beaming up at me, tilting his head back once more.

I roll my eyes at him with a smile," yeah, yeah, yeah."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IIt's the end of the school day and I'm cuddled up in my bed in an oversized t-shirt, with my glasses on and my wild, loose curls flowing down my back.  I'm singing along to the music that is playing on my laptop and overall, I'm just chilling. 

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