Chapter 3.

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Monte Accardi ^^

"Okay, I thought we could change those girls around and make them shake pompoms instead of holding candles" Bonnie suggested making me think about it.

"I guess that could work," I said smiling changing giving the girls who are on their bases pompoms instead of the stick that are acting like our training candles, moving back toward Bonnie I smile and nod my head taking out my phone and taking a picture for tomorrows practice.

"Alright everyone you can go home and we'll meet up tomorrow okay" I smiled as everyone got down from their positions and strutted to their stuff before walking to their parked vehicles.

"Need a ride" I questioned as I started to stuff my bag with everything that I had pulled out from the break.

"Uh, nope I'm good I have the car today" She smiles waving at me as I wave back and head over to my car.

Hoping into my Jeep I pushed the button to start her up and made my way back home, listening and singing to the many different songs that were playing.

I came to a stoplight making me smile, pushing my visor down I started fixing my ponytail before a black mustang pulled up right beside me.

Looking over I see Nikky with Angelo, I scoffed and I guess it was that loud that both of them heard it from where I was sitting because they turned towards me, Angelo with a fat grin and one of his brows raised while Nikky had a plain old glare on.

"Problem Salvatore?" Nikky questioned making me turn to her with a lazy look "Well are you deaf or are you just dumb" She hissed.

"Sorry, it just takes my brain a while to process prostitute language" I shrugged turning back to the road ahead of me "Bye bitch" I smiled giving her the bird as I drove away from her and loverboy.

I pulled up to my home in less than 15 minutes and walked right inside the smell of pizza instantly hitting my nose.

"I'm home" I yelled getting grunts in greeting.

"Alright then" I mutter walking into the kitchen and pulling out the leftover meatloaf from last night or was it the night before? I don't know but all I do know is that I'm starving.

"Hey, how was practice," Monte asks grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"It was good, we went over a lot of our routine and fixed up the major downfalls of everything but it's still looking great" I beamed telling him all about "So how was lunch training?" I questioned pulling the now warm meatloaf out of the microwave.

"Yeah not to bad actually," He says before walking back into the living room were shouts and screams were coming from.

I walk up to my room as the shouts and screaming become louder and louder shaking my head I enter my bedroom and flop onto the mattress.

"Oh sweet, sweet bed" I mumble just before I doze into a deep sleep


"Cicatrice!" I felt myself being shaken around making me groan and open my eyes, looking around I noticed that all three boys were in my room, Santino and Monte at the edge of my bed as Vitale continuously shake my shoulders.

"Stooooop" I groaned pushing Vitales to face away from mine "Stop, you butthead" I grumbled pushing him towards my brother.

"Santino, she called me butthead" Vitale whines dragging the 'O' in my brothers' name.

"V, shut up you're the full back of a football team" Monte hisses grabbing Vitale by the ear and dragging him out of the room.

I look up to my brother who looked completely uncomfortable, smiling I pat the other side of my king-sized bed before snuggling under the covers.

"You okay," I asked smiling up at him and he looks down at me.

"What's wrong" I mumbled out from under the blankets.

"I'm sorry" He whispers looking at me with unshed tears, seeing him about to cry is something new for me. I've always known him to be the type of brother to not cry but protect everyone he loves no matter what.

"Sorry for what Rhett?"I questioned sitting up now looking towards my brother whos tears were now falling upon my Dark red Saint silk pillow covers.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you from that vile animal! I was just so busy getting drunk and hooking up with random girls that I didn't even stop to think about if you were okay. I'm sorry I wasn't the one who rescued you, I wish I was I do" He cried out making me widen my eyes, with a soft sigh I look into my brothers' eyes and smile at him before I lean against my headboard bring him into a close hug.

I talked to him in a soft tone telling him it wasn't his fault, and that he had no idea that it was going to happen to me, I told him I'd rather it be me than any other girl, and that he had no way of predicting the future for me.

As I heard his soft snores I leaned my head against the headboard letting out a sigh but movement at mu door had caught my attention, looking down I see Vitale and Monte standing at the door with their head hung in shame.

"Come on," I said carefully moving me and Santino over so the other to baboons could fit.

"Sing for us" I heard Monte mumble making me cringe.

"Shut up Monte and go to sleep" I whispered only to get a quite plead along with Vitale, sighing I clear my throat and sung until I heard the two snoring.

Slowly my eyes started to close and before I know it I'm back into my deep slumber.

I was falling, and I was falling fast.

My butt landed on a soft surface making me open my eyes "What the" I mumbled but it was drowned out by the sound of pumping music, my blood started to run cold as I walked out of the bathroom I was in.

The walls were so familiar and it started to scare me as the realization finally occurred, right in front of me was the guy who tried to rape me.

I started to panic and my breathing became so uneven that I ran, I started to make twists and turns but it wasn't enough to shake the guy off my tail and all he was doing was walking while I tried to run for my life.

A sob escaped from my mouth as the guy took one big lung at me but before he caught me everything went black, I couldn't see anything around me it was just pitch black.

A spotlight came on and there he was standing in all his glory, butt naked right in front of me. I sobbed and screamed as the scenery changed into a bedroom where I was tied up against the bed with no way to escape.

The guy had an evil smirk on his face as he approached me, I started to cry out loud, my screams pleads and kicks did nothing. He stood over me before lowering himself between my legs and alining himself with my entrance.

But before anything else happened I was yet again shaken awake but this time by my brother who had a look of shock, fear, and guilt written on his face.

He smiled gently at me running a hand across my face, I looked at the boys and a sib racked through me making my brother pulled me to his chest hushing me quietly.

He mumbled the words "it's okay" to "I'm here, I'm here", and slowly my cries become sobs to hiccups to the soft sniffs then me falling into a dreamless dream.

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