Chapter 17.

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"Scarlett, Santino! Happy birthday, my darlings!" My aunt Clarissa beams as her, uncle Toby and Gavin walk towards us.

"Thank you, aunt Clarissa," Santino and I beamed at the same time before turning to each other and glaring before we start to shove each other.

Let's just say Aunt Clarissa was our favorite and we always fought over her.

"Still the same I see, No love for your uncle, no?" Uncle Toby pouts making me squeal like a child and crush him into a hug "Happy birthday, sweetie," He smiles making me smile.

"Thank you, Uncle Toby" I smile grabbing the gift and placing it on the table behind me.

"Happy birthday young man," Uncle grins at Santino as Santino shakes his hand before grabbing the extended gift and placing it with the rest "Now, where is the mother and father of yours, I have been dying to see my little sister," Uncle smirk making me and Santino roll our eyes and point in the direction of our parents making uncle smirk.

"Happy birthday! My favorite set of twins," I hear a loud voice shout making me smile widely while Santino groans in displeasure "Oh lighten up you big grump," Dimitrio laughs hugging me followed by Constantino and then Angelo.

Each passing a gift to us before Constant and Dimitri wander off to find the food.

"Happy birthday Princess," Angelo smiles peaking my lips making me smile while Santino frowns grunting out that he was going to find the rest of his friends.

"Thank you," I grin placing a kiss on his lip before moving my hand into his "Let's go see my parents," I smile as he nods, Angelo had to meet mom and dad while he was on best rest at the compound so he wasn't a secret to them.

Father was unhappy at first but he grew to like Angelo, mother, on the other hand, was delighted to meet the young handsome man who had stolen her daughter's heart but she had promised him that if he ever hurt me in any way she would chop his Mr. Junior off and shove it down his throat...and honestly I do believe she would.

"Excited for the big game next month," I beamed as we past mean guests who wished me a happy birthday making me mutter a quick reply.

"Thrilled," He responded with a short reply making me frown but think nothing of it.

"Mom, Dad look who showed up," I smile making my parents turn and look at me with smiles on their faces.

"Angelo, how are you sweetie," Mom smiles widely walking over and hugging the six-seven footboy a hug.

"Good, Mrs. Salvatore," He smiles hugging her lightly.

"No need for formalities, call me Sofia," Mom smiles swatting at his suit.

"My apologies Sofia," He replies making me smile before walking back to dad who shakes Angelo's hand.

"I would like to introduce you to my older brother Toby, his wife and their son Gavin," Mom says.

"Toby Rossi, this is my wife Clarissa Rossi and our son Gavin," Uncle Toby says in his deep voice making me roll my eyes.

"Pleasure," Aunt Clarissa smiles shaking Angelo's hand followed by Gavin who was glaring at Angelo.

"Hurt my cousin and I'll rip you to shreds," Gavin says making my uncle and father grin while my mother and Aunt Clarissa smack the back of his head...Twice.

After meeting half the family I couldn't be stuffed introducing him to anyone else since the hall room was starting to fill up even more.

"How about we get away and have a little fun," Angelo whispers while wiggling his eyebrows making me laugh.

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