Chapter 14.

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"So, how's everything been in the past month, how's training," I asked as I scoop up a spork full of ice cream and look towards the three boys.

"Meh, pretty average," Constantino mutters "With the game in another month we should be prepared" He adds as the two other boys nod in agreement.

"How about you, how's cheer going?" Dimitrio questions sipping on his sprite.

"Yeah, it's been.....going," I shrug as I feel Angelo slip his hand into mine making me look and smile at him as he takes my hand to his lips and places a soft kiss to the back of my hand making me blush.

"Dimitrio!" I hear a voice yell from the parking lot making me stare at Dimitrio in question as he groans and slams his head into the table making me cringe.

"Oh, darling! I haven't heard from you in awhile baby, where have you been," she yells out again making me turn and see a rather overly tan girl making her appear orange and lips bigger than my future.

"Dimitrio!" I whisper-yell cheekily mocking the girl as she rushes over to us making him stare at me in disbelief while the boys chuckle in amusement.

"Crystal," he says looking over at her with a smile that didn't reach his bored and annoyed-looking eyes making me giggle.

"Who is that" she frowns towards me making me blush a deep red and shrink in my seat as Angelo just squeezes my hand tightly.

Insulting much. I am not a that, I have a name. I say in my head and I rest my head against Angelo's shoulder making him lean his head on top of mine

She glares at me as she watches Angelo "Angelo sweetie, no kiss," she frowns tapping her cheek making him shake his head in disgust.

"I don't think so crystal," Angelo says very much unamused.

"What a shame, well Holland Is here too actually, she is right over there," she smirks pointing in the direction of a very tall and beautiful looking girl who was a lovely Olive color, with blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen.

I hear a sharp intake from beside me making me look up and see Angelo with an unreadable expression making my heart pound against my chest, his hand tightens more cutting circulation in my hand making me frown as the pound becomes harder and faster.

The girl looks up and notices all of us staring at her, making her smirk as she confidently strides toward us.

"Angelo baby, I haven't seen or heard from you in forever sweetie, where have you been," she pouts making me want to rip that stupid pout off her face.

"Busy." was his short curt response, he leans into me further making me pull his hand up and place a lingering kiss to it.

Holland watches with an intense gaze, while Angelo looks at me and smiles softly placing a kiss at the edge of my lips.

"And who is this," She all but snaps making everyone snap their head in her direction while my blood boils.

"I have a name, and it is not this or that. It's Scarlett Salvatore so get it right," I snapped back standing to my feet dropping Angelo's hand in the process.

"Well, Scarlett Salvatore, do you know who I am," she says enthusing my name making me get mad to the point where I'm at the edge of my tipping point as I stand face-to-face with her now.

"No, I don't and frankly I don't care," I snapped in her face as she looks at me in distaste.

"We're leaving," Constantino mumbles throwing away his trash as the boys follow suit, Constantino throws his arm over my shoulder while Angelo takes hold of my hand.

We walk away from the two who stare at us in disbelief, I stop walking and turn around before shouting at her.

"Don't try and take Angelo or the boys away from me cause you will regret it, sweetie,, and I do recommend researching on the last name Salvatore maybe then you will realize who I am Ms. Cartel," I say flipping her the bird before turning and retaking my position with Cainstino's arm around my shoulder and Angelo's hand in mine while Dimitrio laughs his head off

"That was awesome," Constantino laughs as we slide into the car making me smile at the boys who are all talking at once.

"You and I Mr. Alvarez are having a little talk after this," I say making Dimitrio and Constantino give a round of "Ohhh's" as I laugh.

"What did I do?" Angelo whines much so like a child.

"In this relationship, Mr. Alvarez there should be absolutely no secrets" I grin as he gulps making me press my lips to his.

It's official, Angelo had started dating a couple of days after their release from the infirmary at the compound I was overjoyed when he had asked me that I had cried in front of my brothers' and the boys, much to my brothers' displeasure I said yes.

"Let's go love bird or those demons will glare holes into our heads," Dimitrio shouts making me laugh and rush to the car waiting for us.

As I slide into the car my mind wonders to the two females we had met.

Who're they to Angelo and the guys?

And should I be worried?

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