Chapter 7 - ADAM

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Mason Harris.

2 am is what I see on the alarm clock. My world was spinning although I wanted Emma to myself I knew she was angry with me because I kept her from my cousin but yet I continued to be selfish because I was sleeping with somebody else.

Mason, what were you thinking? Of course, she would quit. You're a total ass.

I removed my arm from Ashleigh's head slowly careful not to wake her, walking towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. I stared out the window. I fucked up again, I always do. But this time it was different I was into Emma I wasn't joking or trying to play with her feelings.

I left Emma 23 Text Messages and 18 Voicemails. I couldn't stop thinking about where she was and who she was with. If she was safe, if someone had kidnapped her, I needed her to answer me.

"Mason?" I heard a cracked voice behind me.

"Yea?" I answered not even looking back.

"Why are you up at this time?" I heard her voice get closer.

"I needed a glass of water"

"Honey, come on. Come to bed. It's late, did you have your glass of water?"

"Yes. Ashleigh, I don't want to go to bed" I said finally facing her. "Go back to bed and rest"

"Why?" She asked touching my face

I grabbed her arms lightly and put them down beside her waist. "I just don't Ashleigh. Go back to bed"

"It's because of her! You screwed her didn't you!" She got slightly loud

"No Ashleigh"


God, it was 2 am I didn't need this bullshit. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I DIDN'T FUCKING SCREW HER!" I said walking towards her and her moving back. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH HER BUT KISS HER! IM SICK OF YOUR SHIT ASHLEIGH ITS BEEN YEARS AND YOU DON'T TRUST ME?"

She scoffed. "Are you seriously asking me that? Mason. Look at yourself in the mirror. Your Mason Harris, you cheat on women and you use them. You've cheated on me and how can I trust you if you just admitted to kissing her and coming on to her?"

"Whatever. Go to bed"

"Let's have sex," she said

It turned me on. Completely and that's what I did. I know my behavior was wrong but I needed something to get Emma off my mind and Ashleigh was the only way I can stop myself from doing anything crazy.


I have no Job and I am just now arriving at his house. What's my next move? I politely knock on his door and wait for him to answer the door.

"Hey? You okay?" He questioned with a concerned tone.

I giggled "Yea. I'm great that was a short Plane ride and a car ride"

"Come in. Sorry, where are my manners? Let me get those bags for you. Walk in and make yourself as comfortable as you like. Mi casa Su casa"

As I walked into Adam's house. Adam had a huge Mansion. "Wow, how many bedrooms?"

"3 Upstairs. 4 bathrooms, 3 upstairs and one downstairs. I have a theater room, my kitchen is of course marble and I have a basketball gym downstairs. I have a big pool out back with a little waterfall" he smiled

I smiled back.

"So you want to talk about what happened between you and Mason?"

"Ohhh yea, So to make the story short I went on that trip for no reason because I didn't attend meetings didn't do anything he kept me locked in a room. While he was upstairs whoring around with his little slut and the only reason he didn't let me stay was that you know he wanted me away from you. But was fucking that Ashleigh bitch and I found out that's his girlfriend"

"Yea he can be kind of a dick but Ashleigh is his girlfriend. I'm sorry you had to find out that way. Well, make yourself comfortable. I'll take you to your room I'm more polite than you think"

I walked upstairs behind him and he lead me to the room I was staying in.

"Thanks. Is there a shower in here?" I turned to look at him. He looked so hot without a shirt off I think I was drooling a little bit.

"Yea. Right over there." He pointed "if you need anything let me know" he closed the door.

I walked to the bed took out my little pajamas and walked toward the bathroom. I heard raindrops hitting the window in the bathroom so I closed it. I took a warm long 20-minute shower, washed my hair, and of course, I sang in the shower. This is where I'm most comfortable, this is where I feel like I can be myself without anyone judging me.

I stepped out and looked at the time, 2:45 am.

I laid down on the bed and got as comfortable as I wanted but just as I was dozing off to my sleep, I hear lightning and I get scared. Ever since I was a little girl I was scared of lighting. The lightning strikes again but this time it's pouring outside you can hear the raindrops falling on the window faster.

I get up to walk next door to Adam's room. I knocked. "Come in," he said half asleep

"Adam I'm so sorry. I thought you would be awake, I'll head back to my room"

"H-hey It's okay Emma, what's wrong?" He said sitting up from his bed

"This may sound like I'm such a big baby but I'm scared of the lightning and I can't sleep. Would you mind if I sleep in here with you?"

"Yea sure. Come on in" he moved a pillow to the other side so I can lay.

I joined him under the covers and felt comfortable and secure.

While dozing off to my sleep. Adam was snoring slightly, I tried moving and I immediately felt his hands grab me close to him. I was in shock, I didn't know what to do.

"Turn," he said half a sleep

I turned to face him and he laid my head on his chest. I felt secure and comfortable, I loved this feeling and I didn't know why.

"I'll always keep you safe Emma." He said

And within that moment I had realized. I was starting to like Adam.


"Good morning"

I tossed and turned until I saw bright daylight on my face "Oh hi" I sat up quickly

"Why did you sit up so quickly?"

"Umm. I don't know if I was drooling" I laughed "and you were watching me" I pushed him playfully.

"Nope, you weren't drooling. Just letting you know breakfast is ready. When your ready come downstairs gorgeous" he walked out of the bedroom.

I had to process everything I just woke up. I sat at the edge of the bed for a few moments and then made my way inside the bathroom to brush my teeth. Fix my hair, put it into a bun and wash my face.

As I was walking downstairs I saw a maid. "Oh goodmorning señorita, soy isabella"

"Hola Como Estas?" I answered her, I mastered Spanish in High school.

"Bien. Senor Lucas la espera"

I nodded and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. "Wow, you can cook?"

"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I cannot cook. My hands work"

He handed me a plate. "Thanks"

"Mason gave me a call. Asking about you I figured you'd let him know on your own you were here. So I had let him know you weren't"

I nodded "Thanks again Adam seriously."

He got up and walked across the table to walk to me. And kissed me. "But you also have to let him know you're mine and I'm making you my wife someday"

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