ii. the weakness in me

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CHAPTER TWO !── "the weakness in me"

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── "the weakness in me"


               JAMES POTTER IS not one you would expect responsibility from.

This fact is not a secret around the chattering Hogwarts halls. He's the person you approach for a good laugh, but not one you ask help for. To those who don't know him, James Potter is simply not a dependable man so much so that many found it surprising when he had been named headboy, most simply excusing it as one of Dumbledore's matchmaking games.

James Potter simply isn't the type you expect accountability from.

Olivia knew this, very much aware of his reputation and so she isn't nearly as surprised when three days later and he still hasn't shown face. The silence was loud and she got the message clearly.

Olivia had fully expected this, expected him to disappear. In fact, a part of her hoped he would. There's familiarity in disappointment. With him gone, there's less expectations.

What she hadn't expected was for his friends to always be tailing her around like a bunch of stray dogs. It seems wherever she goes, they're not far behind. So much so that Oliva had memorized the smell of Sirius Black's cologne.

She did her best to ignore them, believing that they'd get tired eventually but it seems that isn't the case as three days have passed and she can still hear them muttering among themselves behind her wherever she goes. For the most part, she succeeds in pretending they aren't there, usually only mildly annoyed as she goes about her day. However, she seems to have reached her limit as she loudly slammed her book shut, making the three men turn to her in panic

Turning around, she narrowed her eyes at them, the three looking a lot like deers caught in the headlights. Releasing a sigh of annoyance, she glared at Sirius Black ─ the most annoying and obnoxious out of the three. "Blurt it out, Black."

Remus Lupin cleared his throat, having the sense to look embarrassed as they slowly walked towards her table and took a seat. Sirius, on the other hand, simply sent a smirk her way. "Just checking on my godchild."

Olivia had the sudden urge to throw her book at his head as she deadpanned. "This baby is not your godchild."

Sirius scoffed, looking offended as he dramatically placed a hand on his chest. "That's bollocks and you know it. I'm James' best friend. I deserve to be the godfather of his first born."

"Potter hasn't even acknowledged me or that he's the father. As far as I'm concerned, this is my child and mine alone."

Truthfully, Olivia doesn't blame him. She'd love to. She'd love to paint him the villain, but she understood. There's nothing physically tying him to her child. He's a teenage boy, practically still a child himself. He can easily walk away if he wishes to. He's young, free and isn't the one physically tied to the baby.

𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄, j. potterWhere stories live. Discover now