──thirty two

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IT'S BEEN MONTHS, BUT OLIVIA isn't quite sure of that. The only thing reminding her that time is passing outside her cell is her growing belly. Voldemort did not kill her as he said he wouldn't and he did not torture her like her did with Regulus.

She's become so familiar with Regulus' screams now that sometimes she hears it even in her sleep, but they always keep him alive and he sleeps for days on end. Sometimes, she wishes they would just kill him rather than this slow torture they've invented. There are days when he doesn't respond, just stuck in his own head as if he no longer has any hold on reality. Then she instantly feels guilty and Olivia shakes the thoughts out of her head.

"How far along are you?" He asked in one of those days he's actually conscious, but his eyes are droopy and his bones and skin body lays flat on the ground.

"I don't know," Olivia admits. She's gotten big, incredibly so. She's into a huge fucking house now that the shirt she's wearing no longer fits her. She's also now unable to stand on her own and her entire body has gone numb without all the movements, but Olivia's fine with that because her babies are kicking and they kick a lot so she ignores everything else and focuses on that.

Regulus had been giving her more than half of his food. Partly so they could sustain the twins even with these circumstances, and mostly because he's unable to swallow much more than a few spoons without vomiting it back up.

"He'll come for you," Regulus muttered. "Potter's in love with you and if there's one thing I learned in this god awful world, love makes even the best of us fall to our knees."

Olivia says nothing. She knows James would come for her, fight tooth and nail to get her back, but she doesn't want him to. She doesn't want him to even try and risk the chances of getting taken then they'd be in this fucking hell hole together.

"Sirius will come for you, too," Olivia told him quietly. "I know he will."

In the dark, Regulus weakly shook his head. "No, my brother will come for you."

"He cares about you," she insists, remembering the look in his eyes whenever Regulus is mentioned. Sirius loves his brother but perhaps he loved his life more.

"He left me," Regulus said bitterly. "In that fucking house with those fucking people."

"I never said he cared about you more than himself," she said. She doesn't blame Sirius though. He had done what was best for him though it came with the expense of his brother. Olivia knows what it's like to be in that situation.

Regulus chuckled darkly but said nothing else, leaving Olivia back to her thoughts.

When she was first captured, Olivia had refused to think about James at all cost, but now he's all she can think about. She thinks about his bright hazel eyes and his carefree laugh. She imagines herself running her fingers through his messy hair while tucked under his arms. He's all she wants to think about.

After months stuck in this cell, Olivia no longer wants them to save her. What's waiting for her out there as the daughter of Voldemort anyway? She just wants her babies safe. That's all she wants.

So Olivia goes back to what has become her hobby, imagining what could have their future. This time she imagines James in them. She imagines James with the kids on his shoulders, laughing and giggling with their arms spread wide.

𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄, j. potterWhere stories live. Discover now