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OLIVIA KINSLEY IS AWARE HOW STUPID SHE IS. In fact, she's so aware of it that she wants to hit herself with a moving bus. However, she's very much 11 weeks pregnant and there are no buses in Hogwarts so that would have to be postponed.

She wonders exactly when she has become so dependent on James that it almost feels impossible to go through her day without the king of gryffindor tailing her around, but it's a proven fact that an abusive household produces damaged children with no idea how to deal with their emotions. Being beaten and told she's useless all her life, Olivia finds it hard to believe anyone would ever want her for being herself.

Another proven fact is that it's very hard to ignore the father of the child you're currently carrying. So hard, in fact, that Olivia's taken to hiding in the restricted section of the library. She's not even sure anymore if she's ignoring him because she can't face the feelings she knows would undoubtedly appear, or if she's so embarrassed by her actions that she's decided to drag it out for as long as she could. She truly has no idea anymore at this point.

She knows it's wrong, but she's become so desperate to ignore James that Olivia has taken to neglecting her prefect duties. Classes had become a game of tag with Olivia not appearing till the very last minute that James would have no choice but to wait till the end and Olivia running out of the room before the clock even hits the time.

The only good thing to come out of her stupidity would be that she finally has the time to read the baby books Remus had been telling her to read.

However, she knows she can't avoid James forever. One way or another, she'd have to face him eventually considering the fact that they share a baby. She knows something would force her to talk to him in the end. What she hadn't anticipated was for that something to be the very stern Minerva Mcgonagall.

Olivia had never been that close to the head of house. She respects her as a teacher, as a person, but most of all, as a strong woman. She knows the marauders fondness over the professor, but she never thought she'd experience it first hand.

She stood corrected as she looked up at the women from her place on the dusty floor. Minerva looked at Olivia with the most stern yet the most motherly look ever that it almost makes her ache, not ever experiencing having someone look at her in that way.

"Ms. Kinsley, I may not be a mediwitch, but I'm certain staying in a room full of dust is not good for a pregnant lady," she scolded, looking at Olivia knowingly.

The slytherin couldn't help but give an unsure smile as she pulled herself up from the floor. "You're right, professor."

"Follow me."

Olivia couldn't help but be terrified as she followed behind the woman, wondering if she would get in trouble. As they round every hallway and pass every door, her heart seems to beat faster and faster with each step. It's no secret that the head of gryffindor is known for being strict, not at all tolerating any law breaking. However, Olivia is certain she hasn't broken any school rules apart from ditching her patrols, but she knows that the teachers' know about her condition and often excuse her absences.

"Take a seat," Mcgonagall instructed as they reached her office.

Olivia did as she was told, sitting in uncomfortable silence for a few moments as she waited for the professor to say something instead of watching her as if knowing something she doesn't. Olivia is sure that Minerva Mcgonagall does, in fact, know many things she doesn't.

"Have a biscuit," the transfiguration teacher said, pushing the bowl of snacks on her desk closer to Olivia.

"No, thank you, professor."

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