Chapter 7

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The boys and Y/n where getting ready to go investigate about the vampires. They where outside the motel room as Dean closed the door behind him. He looks over at everybody, "guys all ready?"

"Yes." All said except Gabriel and Y/n who only nodded. Gabriel of course went next to her as he whispers at her. "I will protect you." she wanted to roll her eyes since she can do that herself. It's not like he knew her strength but remained silent.

"Alright. We are all going to separate to talk to the locals." Dean started talking which he was interrupted by Gabriel pulling Y/n for a side way hug. "She is with me."

"I'm not finished." Dean gives him a look. "And no she isn't going with you. You need to focus."

"I know she is a distraction because damn she is hot." his hands went dangerously low which she smacked his hands away glaring at him. Dean had to pull her away from him and forcing her to stand by his side. "I need you to stop." he almost growled at him. "We have a job to do. Anyways. Gabriel you are on your own. Sam with Cass and I'm with Y/n."

"Why do you always get the girl." Gabriel whines but a look from Dean shut him up and huffs. "Whatever."

"Dean it's okay if I go alone." she says wanting that to happen. She needed to have a conversation with Isaac to get to Michael wanting to know if he was okay. "You can go with your brother and Gabriel with Cass."

"No." he says with final. "You are coming with me."

"Dean.. Please. Just this one time." she almost begs. "I been on my own a lot anyways so.. Please."

"Y/n." he warns.

"Dean just let her chose what she wants." Sam came to defend her noticing she already gave up. He was aware that if she continued to listen to his brother more he will never stop ordering her around. Dean was starting to noticed that and he had actually talked to him about how she usually follows what they say no questions ask.

Sam gives Dean a look which his brother sigh and decided to let her decide. "Fine. But as soon as something happens call me. Or any of us." he orders which she nodded her head smiling at him.


Y/n went inside a store and went to the bathroom as soon as she was on her own. She had exchange numbers with the boys and they all went their separate ways. Gabriel wanted to follow her along with Cass and told her Dean didn't have to know but she had actually threaten them she will call Dean if they don't leave her alone which they left quickly.

She was satisfied with that and called Isaac. He answers on the third ring and she can see his smirk, "hello Y/n. How is my favorite girl?"

"I want to talk to Michael. Want to see if he is fine." she demanded proud of herself for acting tough.

"Oh Mike here is nice and healthy. Don't worry about him. Now tell me how the mission going? I'm surprised they haven't find out despite them being good at hunting and detecting a vampire pretty quickly."

"It's okay." that's all she said feeling bad once again. She didn't want to do it and she didn't thing she could. She was already getting attached to a certain green eye hunter.

"Hmm. You see. Maybe they haven't noticed what you are because they been busy wanting to get into your pants. Especially Dean Winchester. I heard a lot about that guy and his reputation with women. He is to busy wanting to get you to bed instead of realizing about what you are." he laughs and she just glared at him picturing him in front of her. "Which is why the mission is going great. I know you will succeed. That's why you where the best candidate for this. I'm so proud of myself for thinking of this."

"Okay. I want to talk to Michael." she says wanting to hear her friend instead of him.

"No. Until you call me and tell me they are dead. Then you can hear him hell even see him. Understood?"

"Yes." she sigh in defeat. She knew he wasn't going to give her what she wanted and decided not to argue with him. She didn't want to waste her time.

"And one more thing. I am sending out rouge vampires out again so they can hunt. For them to trust you more. They will be at the abandoned church where we held our meetings. They will held two people hostage. I will send you a message so you can warn those stupid hunters. Don't worry those vampires don't know you and won't say a word about you being a vampire. I made sure of that. So better save them."

He then hanged up on her. She curses under her breath and walks out the bathroom. She gets out of the store and realised the abandoned church was not to far away. She took deep breaths and calls Dean already coming up with a lie of how she knew vampires where there.

"Yes?" Dean answers. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes. Well not really. I just noticed vampires taking two people inside the abandoned church. You know which one I'm talking about?" she started walking towards the church.

"Yes I know. How many are there?" she can hear him calling Sammy and getting inside the impala no doubt heading over here.

"I'm not sure but I will see." she finally got there and hid behind an oak tree that was up front of the church.

"Be careful. Just wait for us okay. Don't do anything I will tell the others. And good job. Bye." he hangs up which she puts her phone away. She was lucky that the house near here where abandoned as well. Hardly no one passes through here.

She waited for the boys and finally they came. She knew the impala was parked somewhere safe and both brothers came to her. Gabriel and Cass came a few seconds later. "Okay. We are all going to surround the church." Dean started with his plan. Y/n can tell that he trusted her without checking the church first. He hands a machete to her and she takes it as he sends her and Sam to go trough the back. Gabriel, Cass and him were going trough the front.

"Okay let's go." they all went separated. Y/n followed Sam as they walked around the church to the back as quiet as possible. They went to the back door and it was open which they silently enter. Then they saw how there was four vampires who had two victims on the floor injured and pale.

They where still breathing and Y/n was thankful for that. One of them sadly turn towards them and hiss alerting the others. The front door opens and walked in the others blocking the two exist.

Two of them ran towards Sam and Y/n as the others went to attack the others. Immediately everybody started fighting. Y/n had kicked a vampire hard on his stomach sending him flying to the wall. She looks at the boys with wide eyes hoping they didn't see but thankfully they where to busy fighting. She was relieve and made sure to not use a lot of her strength.

She turns around just to be slam to the wall as the vampire hissed at her and whispers in her ear. "Isaac told me to say hi to you." he says then licks her cheek and held her face steady. He smells her as she tried to fight him off but he was to strong. "Get off me." she growls using all her strength. She manage to pushed him a little but he only came back to her.

She then raised her knee and kicked him in between his legs and then grabs his hair as he bends down and hits his face hard with her knee once again. He groans as blood was coming out of his nose and she backhanded him hard and fell to the floor.

She Immediately raised her machete and chop his head off. She turns to the others and noticed Sam just finishing with his vampire along with the others.

She wipes her cheek feeling disgusted and decided to buy clothes so she can shower tonight. Sam ran towards the victims helping them get up. Dean went to her asking if she was alright which she nodded her head. He then went to help Sam with the other victim to escort them out of the church and to a hospital. Y/n trailed behind them.

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