Chapter 29

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Y/n couldn't believe that Kathleen planned this. She knew they didn't need her but they where to much of a coward. She rolled her eyes and wanting to curse them but she had to do it if she wants Kathleen dead.

She took deep breaths as they encouraged her which Kathleen wasn't much help. "Better not let him kill you because then it's your fault." she says.  Y/n wanted to shout at her. She was so done with her and wonder if she is always saying stupid stuff or if she hit herself on her head hard when she was a baby.

They where at the edge of the woods and spying them by hiding behind a bush. This place was Michael's cabin which he uses this to help the new born vampires. It was deep in the woods away from town so that the humans can be safe. Y/n been here many times and inside it was homey and she loved it here more then the cottage.

Plus in this side of the woods there was many animals to hunt. He of course sometimes leaves the animals be so that they can reproduce more and go somewhere then come back to hunt them. He never kills the mother that has their babies because he needed them to grow.

"I swear.." she trails off and then her heart started to accelerate in fear but at the same time she wanted to run to him. Dean just walked out of the cabin and sat down on the steps. He was looking around deep in thought which he look normal but knew that wasn't the case. "Hope you run fast girl. And good luck. It was a pleasure  meeting you." she hears Devin says to her.

She turns around to look at him with a glare but then she rolled her eyes seeing them already a couple of feet away from her so she can do her part. "Great." she whispers. She had to act cocky and get him angry so he would chase her. She didn't like it when Kathleen said that was part of the plan and she swore she was doing this on purpose to either make her life more miserable or getting her killed. Maybe it was both. Her hate for her grows tenfold and didn't think that was even possible.

Getting him pissed up was very easy. All she got to do is walk up to him and let him see her. Then he will chase her. Well she hope. Her heart wasn't much of a help because it was beating wildly and her body started trembling. She took deep breaths in then out then started again and she successfully made to at least slow it down. She was still anxious and scared of what the outcome will be.

She gets up telling herself mentally that she can do this. "Come on Y/n you can do this. I know he is a vampire but you are faster then him. Maybe." the last part wasn't much help and quickly told herself, "I mean by the time he gets close to me he will be trapped. Okay. So relax. You just need to walk up to him then ran for your life."

Her stomach churns in dread and remained frozen in place. She then was hit by a rock in the back of her head. She turns around seeing Ren had done it and mouthed at her to do it. She turns around and nodded which she panic when he wasn't at the stairs.

"Oh shit. Where is he?" she cursed Ren for distracting her. Her heart increases once again and panic was slowly rising up. She never been this terrified in her life. She felt like she was in a horror movie where the killer was nowhere to be seen and the victim was desperately looking around panicking wondering where he is and then for her to turn around and the killer was right in front of her and raised the knife to killed her.  "I'm so going to kick Ren's ass." she then sigh in relieve when Dean got out the cabin with a beer in hand.

"Oh he went inside for beer." she closed her eyes and sigh relaxing but quickly open them not wanting to loose sight of him. She was already paranoid.

She decided to get this over with and put up a smirk. She counted all the way too three then forced herself out of the woods. She was ready to sprint out and her senses was high on alert. The hair from the back of her neck stand on end and she felt a horrible chill run down her spine.

She noticed right away his difference. He wasn't human that's obvious and he seem more scary and his face held coldness and dangerous. He held power, more masculinity and dominance. She wanted to retreat badly because she knew she didn't stand a chance with him.

When he was human she did because she can easily over power him but during that time she's been listening to him so he can approve of her. She cringe at herself for doing that but she couldn't do anything about it. It happened anyways and the pass was the pass.

It was to late to retreat now because he had taken a sip of his beer and turns his head to face her. She felt her lungs get knocked out of her and fear hit her harder then ever. She knew she couldn't froze like she usually does and screamed at herself mentally to say something then run. When she means run it meant run very fast. He was a hunter his been running for all his life to cath the bad guys and he would probably catch up to her because of that.

He crashed the can of beer as soon as he saw her and she squirms under his strong gaze. "Hello Dean." instead of playing cocky she squeaks in fear.

She now takes it all back and wished she had denied Kathleen. This was a bad idea. A horrible idea. All she got to do is pray he doesn't catch up to her or for her to trip like in the stupid horror movies.

One slip to the ground he will surely catch up to her. She wished she had something to protect herself. She cursed for not having anything to protect herself.

She immediately takes a step back when he walks down the stairs with menacing steps. "You are so stupid for coming here sweetheart. Very stupid."

She knew that and he didn't have to remind her. She then smiles sheepishly and ran. She ran like never before. She forced her legs to go faster as fast as she could. She manage to avoid tripping and dodge the branches and jump the trunks that where on the ground.

She even passed a scared fox who was startled by her and ran. She didn't care and can feel him right at her heels. She didn't dare look back because then it will slow her down. She won't be like in the stupid horror movies when the girl turns around then to trip.

She felt him catching up to her which damn he was fast. He was fast as a hunter imagine when he is a vampire? Not to imagine his strength. She didn't want to think of that and focus on running for her life. She wouldn't be surprised if she started to see her whole life in front of her.

She then ran faster as soon as she was getting their and ignored the protest of her legs screaming at her to take a break. They where growing weak and where burning. She groans and forced herself to continued. She felt herself starting to feel as if she would collapse at any second but forced her eyes open.

She then ran pass the trap they put for him and she could only prayed that he would fall for it but to her horror he didn't fall. He followed her every move being to careful yet determined to get her. He had noticed she had avoided a certain spot which he too follow her steps.

She knew her life was over and felt him tackle her down to the floor and she collapse hard and slides for a second and hit her head hard on a rock. With that she was automatically send into darkness and all she can think about was that her life was over.

Vampire Hunter AU (Dean x Vampire reader)Where stories live. Discover now