Chapter 33

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Dean looks at her with an unreadable expression. "I read the note when you left." he said and she looks at him surprised and hope in her eyes.

"And I am sorry. I'm sorry for believing Kathleen more then you." he admits and he walks towards her dropping the weapon on the floor. He pulls her for a hug and she immediately returns it not hesitating at all. She felt warm flow throughout her body and felt amazing to be in his arms.

"It's fine. I understand."

"Yeah but she fool me again. All because I was scared." he blames himself. "I hate myself for doing that. And for causing you pain I didn't realised. This is prove that I don't deserve you."

She pulls away from him and looks up at him. "Dean you have the right to be afraid. To doubt because that's what we all do. But we learn from it. But I want to say that I already forgive you. And that I want to try to be in a relationship with you. It's okay if you don't want too."

He pulls her for a kiss mashing his lips against her. She wrap her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. Their lips moved in perfect zinc as if they where made for each other. He licks her button lip asking for entrance which she gladly lets him and parted her lips. They fought for dominance and he of course won. She moan out when feeling him explore her mouth.

He then pulls apart panting. "I love you too." he confesses making her smile and her heart leap in joy and love. "We got to go find the others and tell them this is over." he says which she nodded her head.

One month later

Michael was finally done with Dean and he knew how to control himself and hunt down animals. At first he didn't want too because he didn't want to hurt them. He felt bad for it but he was forced too.

He even pointed out why hunting for animals when they can get blood bags which Michael explains just in case there isn't no blood bags. Then Dean started to argue that he can get it from somewhere else which got Michael annoyed. Y/n only laughed at them two arguing which was funny.

Sam and Y/n finally got back to being friends and started to trust each other once again along with the others. Dean had made it clear to Gabriel as well that Y/n was his girlfriend by hugging her from behind and kept leaving kisses on her neck making her giggle.

Dean and Y/n where cherishing moments with the hunters because they knew that they won't be alive for ever. Dean found it hard at first which she had to be by his side and cheer him up somehow but at the end he accepted it.

As the days passed by Y/n and Dean grown to love each other more which they didn't think it was possible. They even traveled across the united states to hunt vampires even if they where themselves along with Sam. Gabriel and Cass will leave them at some point then come join them again. They wouldn't stay for long.

"I want a dog." Y/n says all of a sudden knowing Dean wouldn't accept one. She leans her head against his shoulder looking at the tv that was playing a movie.

"What? No. Then the dog is going to have to ride on baby." he whines. "What if he pees or poops. I'm not risking it sweetheart."

"What if Sammy wants a dog?" she questions and looks up at him. He looks down at her shaking his head. "I said no." he then cupped her cheek and pressed his lips to hers. She kissed back and he slowly pushes her down to the bed and he crawls on top of her.

She moans out and wrap her legs around his waist needing him. He knew what she wanted and smirks because he can hear her heart beat wildly and so was his. Before they know it they had their clothes taken off. The bed creak and groan when they where doing it. Them totally forgotten that Sam can enter at any second.

Poor Sam because he did indeed enter and looks at them asking them where they can go next. Sadly he only stops mid sentence and curses running out of the room and closed the door behind him.

He had to sleep in the impala not wanting to hear them and went back to sleep. The next day he pressed his ears on the door to see if he hears anything but was greeted with silence. He opens the door and pokes his head in seeing them sleeping but naked wrap around each other. At least the blankets where covering them.

He sigh and decided to let them sleep. He went to eat and come back and was relieved when they where up and decent. He enters glaring at his brother who looks at him with an innocent smile.  "Hey Sammy. How you slept?"

"It's Sam. And yes I slept well you jerk."

Dean chuckles knowing full well he saw them. "Alright bitch."

"Poor Sam." Y/n laughs when he glares at her too. They all sat down on the chair by the table listening to Sam talk about the next case and this time it was werewolves.

Dean's hand went to Y/n's tight and squeezed making her squirm. She moves his hands away slowly and tried to focus on Sam's words. Dean only smirked and tickle her sides causing her to jump.

Sam raised an eyebrow at her which she chuckles nervously, "continue. I thought I felt a spider or something." he rolled his eyes and continued to what he was saying.

"A spider?" Dean leans close to her. He then nibbled her earlobe making her moan out which Sam groans.

"You know what? I think for now on I'm getting my own room. You two can't keep your hands to yourselves. Especially you Dean." he glares at his brother.

"Well sorry Sammy. But it's hard when I look into this beautiful women and all I can think about is-" Sam interrupted before he can go further.

"I don't want to hear it."

Y/n giggles enjoying his annoyance. "Gosh Sam. You sure need to get laid."

"That's what I keep telling him." Dean says to her which Sam just gets up and smack both of them behind their heads.

"Shut up both of you and let's go to work on the werewolf case." he then gets his duffle bag and walked out.

Even if Sam was annoyed with them he was happy that finally they where at peace.

The End.

Its over. Finally. Anyways, I'm not good at socializing but I just want you all to know that I'm grateful that you guys read my story. So yeah. I don't know what else to say but good bye.

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