Chapter 10

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Dean tackles her which she manage to open the door and get out before he gets to her. He gets out of the car determined to get to her and get that water gun. She stops shooting him not wanting to waste the water and watch how he was glancing at her ready to pounce at any second. It made her nervous and chuckles at him. "Dean relax." she says waking backwards and he slowly takes steps forward.

She quickly looks at the motel then at him. She can make it and counted to three then ran. He too ran after her which he was to fast and grabs her but they both trip and fell on the door hard causing a long bang but thankfully it didn't break.

She turns around just for him to pin her to the door and grabs the gun trying to make her let go. She held in a tight grip, "you won't get it."

"Yes I will baby girl." he promised which his fingers accidentally went to her stomach which caused her to jump since she felt ticklish. Her eyes widen as both froze and he seem to have a sadistic smile. "Dean no."

"Dean yes." before he can start tickling her the door opens and both fell down to the floor. Dean quickly puts his hands on the back of her head so she wouldn't hit her head and landed on top of her.

"Really guys." Sam sigh. "What the hell where you two doing?"

Dean looks up at him then down at her who both lock eyes with each other. Dean still had his hand behind her head and grabs hold of her hair wanting to pull her towards him. She had the gun still on her grip and her other hand she had it placed on his shoulder holding him tight.

Sam groans and walked away to the bathroom. Dean then let go of her hair and moved it away just to start tickling her again. She squirms beneath him and tried to get away but since she as to busy doing that she let go of the water gun and he took it away. "Aha! Now I got it." he then started shooting her with the water gun. She then tried to take the gun away and both ended up fighting for it.

"Wow guys." they heard Gabriel behind them and both stop to cath their breaths since they where laughing. "You guys are having fun."

Dean gets up helping Y/n up. He looks at Gabriel and at Cass who was behind him and pulls Y/n for a side hug as his hand was to her waist. "We are."

Sam gets out the bathroom and Dean quickly sits Y/n down to the bed and walks to the bathroom. Every body was curious what he was doing and where shock as soon as he walked out a few minutes later. "Your bath is ready sweetheart." she looks at him forgetting about the bath and felt her heart skip a beat by something so simply yet meaningful. It meant a lot to her that he was trying to make her feel better.

The others only blink watching the scene not expecting this from Dean. Clearly they where in shock. He helps her walk to the bathroom and closed the door behind her after saying to her to just relax.

He turns to the others seeing them still standing in their same spot dumbfounded. "What?" he raised an eyebrow at him then rolled his eyes when all three at the same time smirks which he found it creepy.

Inside the bath Y/n strip off her clothes and went inside the bath feeling it warm and lay down. She felt her tense muscles relaxing and Dean was right. She felt good and leans her head back closing her eyes just to realise Dean had put relaxing music from his phone.

She will be forever thankful for him and her decision to kill him was slowly going away. She didn't want to do that. If she does how can she live with herself? It will hunt her forever and she will be depressed because she killed the one man that she fell hard for. She realised she didn't have the guts to poison him and his brother and friends.

She didn't know what to do anymore and it was going to drive her crazy. She needed to find a way to save Michael. She didn't want to be left alone. She didn't know what to do wich she started to feel hopeless.

Her phone that she left on the counter sink vibrated signaling she received a text message. She knew it was Isaac and was tempting to go read it but then she didn't want to risk her phone and for it to accidentally drop inside the tub.

She allowed herself to relax clearing her head. After a while she decided it was enough. She gets up turning the shower on and let the water get drain from the tub down to the pipe. She washed herself and after she was done she turns it off and gets out wrapping a towel around herself.

She realised she didn't have any clean clothes inside and groans but then a knock on the door was heard. "You need your clothes sweetheart?"

She wonder if he did it on purpose, "yes. I need my damn clothes." she said rather loudly and quickly grips her towel closer to herself when the door was being open. She Immediately felt self conscious and tried to make herself small as possible.

He walks in clothes in hand and smirks at her not being ashame to scan his eyes over her body from head to toe. "Dean. Damn it." she snatches her clothes away from him and kicked him out. She closed the door and this time she locks it.

She drops the towel to the floor as soon as she dried herself. She put on some comfy clothes for the night and turn Dean's relaxing music off. She then check her phone message and surely it was Isaac.

"I need those hunters dead already. The others don't want to be in hiding any longer. So hurry up or there will be consequences."

She rolled her eyes annoyed with him and had enough of him. She knew she would never kill them. She won't because she can't. She grew to attached to them especially Dean. She had to warn then somehow and decided to maybe tell the truth. It will hurt them and she too because then Dean won't look at her the same but with hatred.

She puts her phone down knowing it was coming again.

She felt her heart started to increase just by thinking of telling the truth. She leans herself in the counter sink trying to steady her beating heart. She closed her eyes feeling her blood rushing through her veins and her vision when black for a moment. Her breathing came out fast and she started to hyperventilate. She tried to keep herself quiet and took a long deep breath and exhale and she opens her eyes repeating the breathing technique.

She did it until she was calm and her heart was back to normal but that didn't mean she was okay. She was still shaken up and was nervous and convinced herself that she won't tell them which she started to relax.

She took one last deep breath and got out forgetting her phone inside the bathroom. It was the biggest mistake ever.

Vampire Hunter AU (Dean x Vampire reader)Where stories live. Discover now