Chapter 20

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More hours pass by and it seem like forever. There was no windows to look outside to at least guess what time is it. Michael started to have a conversation with Dean which surprisingly he talked decently instead of arguing.

Y/n would sometimes join in but she mostly stayed quiet wanting them to get along. Y/n can hear Dean's stomach growling in hunger. She was getting angry with the vampires because they never brought him any food nor water.

She didn't mind her not feeding because her main concern was Dean. Especially when he needed water. She heard from somewhere that humans can live without water for three days and after that they can die or something like that. This place was thankfully cool and not hot or it will make him dihydrate faster.

She looks at the door that slides open and the usual vampires checks in. "Joshua come here." Y/n calls out to him sweetly surprising herself. He walks closer to her but not to close so she won't be able to reach him. "Is anybody in charge of the food?" she asks trying not to get irritated.

"Ah no. Kathleen was suppose to give out orders whenever the human can eat but so far she hasn't said anything. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry." she mimics him which he gives her an annoyed glare. "Well tell Kathleen that if she actually wants me to kill him then tell her to bring him food and water." she all but growls.

"Jeez calm down."

She noticed he had step closer to her without him noticing. Within seconds she reach up to him slamming him against the bars hard and held him by his collar in a tight grip. He groans and looks at her with wide eyes. "Go bring food and water. I'm not going to repeat myself again. You understand me?"

He nodded his head and she slams him against the bar once again and lets him go. He almost stumbles on the ground and quickly ran out the room and slides the door close. She looks at the boys who where stunned at what she did. She herself was stunned too which she wasn't one to do something like this.

"What the hell happened to sweet Y/n?" Michael jokes and he smiles at her proud of her. She looks at him and shrugs then looks at Dean seeing him looking at her with admiration and awe. She blushes at his stare and just went to the back of her cell and sat down leaning herself back.

A few minutes pass by and the slides doors open. Y/n gets up and was happy because Joshua came back with a tray of food and a bottle of water.

After giving Dean the tray of food and water Joshua glances at Y/n with a glare. Which to her it reminded her of a puppy growling.  "Happy?" she smiles at him sweetly and he walks out sliding the door close.

Y/n and Michael looks at Dean seeing him sit down on the floor and started to eat which surprised her since it was a bacon burger with fries.

She watch him eat feeling proud of herself because she did something for once. If she didn't he would of starve. She then decided to let him eat in peace and sat down. She was also grateful for the boys because they would give her privacy when ever she needed to do the restroom in a bucket.

(I totally forgot that at some point they had to pee or do number two. Oops. Lol)

At first she wasn't very fond of the idea of peeing in front of them but she trusted them. They would look away whenever she told them too and she would cringe whenever she heard her own pee hit the bucket. She had made the boys make noises or something or sing or whistle so that they wouldn't hear her.

She would also give them privacy when they had to pee but they had an advantage there. They didn't have to pull their pants all the way down to pee. They even made fun of her and brag which all she did was cursed them.

She wonder how long this was going to take. She can already feel her stomach growling in hunger. At some point Dean had offer her food even to Michael which they both denied it.

The burger wasn't going to do much and didn't want to waste a piece of burger when it wasn't going to do anything. It was better for the hunter to eat it all since for him it's the food he eats and satisfies his hunger.

If only he was in the cell next to her because he had offer her some of his blood so that she can feed. They couldn't reach other so it was useless.

"I know how to give you some of my blood." Dean says getting up. Y/n looks up at him in curiosity. "I can poor some in the tray and slide it to you. Then you can lick it off." he chuckles finding it funny. He then cleans the tray as best as he could throwing the crumbs to the floor.

"How are you going to do that? I mean cut yourself."

He looks around seeing nothing that can make him bleed. "Well. I don't know but.. There has to be something."

"Dean thanks but forget it." Y/n sigh. She felt pain in her stomach due to hunger and tried to ignored it as best as she could. She can hear Dean's pounding heart which made it harder especially the blood rushing through his veins.

She closes her eyes and started to hum a random song which she realised it was one of Dean's classic rock songs. She didn't mind and tried to ignore the hunger. She knew it will get worse but tried not to think much about it.

Dean sigh in defeat seeing nothing. "There has to be something." he says and looks at her hating he couldn't do anything. He looks over at Michael seeing him silent then usual. He can tell the hunger was getting to him too. He was the first one obviously because his been here for a few days already.

He didn't want to be food for two hungry vampires. Especially when he liked one of them but then he wouldn't mind giving up his life so that she wouldn't get out of control. At least he did something good for once.

"Damn it Sammy." Dean cursed wondering what the hell was taking them so long. Where were they?

Night came and went as it was morning. Kathleen came inside with two vampires behind her on guard. She smirks at the state Y/n was and Michael which she was satisfied things where going as plan.

She looks over at Dean who was glaring at her with a murderous look. "Your brother is actually hard to catch. He is looking for you and Y/n along with the other two hunters. They even tortured one of mine to get information which thankfully we got there in time. Almost trap him but that bastard escaped. And damn he does hates our kind. I don't understand why did he approve of Y/n. But oh well. She probably already slept with him."

"Fuck off." Dean growls.

Y/n didn't say anything because she was to busy trying to get a hold of herself. She's been more quiet and haven't said a word not even her friend.

Kathleen laughs wickedly enjoying all this. "Imagine if they did? Oh this will be good."

"She would never have done that." Dean was sure because she had been with him for most of the time. Even if she wasn't with him he trusted her and trusted his brother who rather tease him then betray him. But then he couldn't help but doubt if she would chose someone else then him. .

"Whatever. It doesn't matter but I got to tell you Dean. From what I gather you are  doubting her. You are scared that she will leave you. And by the way you are looking at me I'm telling the truth." Kathleen smirks at his fuming expression. He was giving him a downward look as he breathed heavily in anger.

"Oh by the way. She will betray you again Dean. She will leave you."

"You seem so sure. Why is that?" Dean questions. "I doubt that's going to happen. She won't do that she prove herself enough to say that she is by my side. Not the bitch side."

Kathleen rolled her eyes at him but shrugs, "she will. Because I know her more then you do. I mean you only known her for only a couple of days and I on the other hand knows her for years. And when that happens I will tell you I told you so. Because that's what she does. Plus she rather stay with Michael then you or anybody else."

Kathleen laughs when seeing Dean not say anything to her. She knew she got him and loved to play with his feelings. She knew Y/n loved him enough not to betray him. She turns to Y/n who was tapping her foot impatiently with close eyes. An idea pop in her head and smirks and decided she wasn't going to kill Dean. Oh no she had something better.

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