Chapter 17

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Y/n lays down on the bed waiting for the guys. She makes herself comfortable and turns to the side. She closes her eyes wanting to fall asleep and forget about everything.

She then heard the boys walking in and the door close. She opens her eyes and noticed only Dean walked in. She sits up frowning as he took out a beer from the mini fridge and opens it taking a drink.

"Where is Sam?" she asks.

"He went to the hospital." he says. "He wanted me to stay here with you." he sits on the chair not leaving his eyes from her. She felt a bit uncomfortable and lays back down and pull the blanket closer to her.

She closes her eyes and began to count sheep to fall asleep but she was just starting in her twenty sheep when she stop. She heard Dean putting the beer on the table and getting up. His footsteps walks closer to her and lays next to her.

She swallows the lump that was forming in her throat and tried to ignored him as best as she could. She knew he didn't trust her and just tried to forget that he was lying next to her.

She wanted him to say something to apologized for everything and for him to forgive her. She couldn't live with him disliking her and didn't trust her at all. She had fought with them and kill Isaac in front of his eyes what else did he want?

She felt him shift besides her and felt his hand went to her arm and he leans close to her ear. "You still awake?" he asks quietly. She contemplated if to say something or not but was curious as to what he was going to say.

Y/n turns her head to look at him which her breathing hitches realising they where inches apart. His eyes went down to her lips as she did the same with him wanting to pull him close to her. She didn't make a move because she was afraid that if she did he won't like it.

"I'm sorry for treating you badly." he says and her eyes look up to look at his green ones. "I was just angry because I thought you where just playing with my feelings. I don't like that. And right now you are proving me that you can be trusted but I'm scared that this is all an act. And that you will leave me."

"Dean." she starts but he shakes his head continuing explaining himself.

"That's why I kept a cold shoulder on you because I wanted to push you first to hurt you before you leave me. I kept making an excuse that I didn't trust you because I didn't want you to know that I was scared. Yeah at first I didn't trust you because of the text and thought wrong but then you proved it by killing Isaac and helping us with the other vampires. I'm sorry. Forgive me. I know I don't deserve it but.. Its okay if you don't."

She finds herself raising her hand to his face caressing his cheek feeling her heart skip a beat. She loved that he was finally forgiving her and trusting her again which she will do anything to keep it that way. She didn't want to repeat about what happened.

"Dean. I forgave you long time ago." she admits to him. "I was the one at fault. I was the one that started with the lies not you. You have the right to get angry at me because of what I did. The one that should be apologizing is me. I'm sorry Dean. Im really am."

"I do forgive you Y/n. Damn you are to good for me. You forgave me even when I was trying to make your life miserable."

With that said he pressed his lips to hers and he makes her lay on her back and gets on top of her. Both his hands went to her cheeks kissing her passionately. Her hands wrap around his neck and his knee went between her legs spreading them apart.

One of his hands started exploring her body and she lets out a moan. He then gets in between her legs and took this opportunity to wrap her legs around his waist.

His lips left hers so that they can breath. He then left kisses on her neck and rubs himself to her. She moans and her hands went to his coat taking it out. He pulls apart and took it off and went back to kissing her.

Her phone turns off and Dean groans but he lays besides her letting her take the call. She grabs it from the nightstand feeling breathless and noticed it was Sam. "It's Sam." she says.

She answers him and puts it on speaker. Both her and himself sits up and their backs where on the headboard. "Hey Sam. You are on speaker." she says a bit more cheerful.

"Okay ah.. Gabriel is fine and he will be out in an hour. And both him and Cass said hi."

"Tell them I said hi too."

"How is Dean treating you?"

"I'm treating her fine." Dean defends himself.

"He is." Y/n defends him. "He actually forgave me." she smiles feeling great. It's been a long time since she felt this way and all because he forgave her. Dean looks at her smiling slightly at her cheerful state hating himself more for causing her distress.

"Wow. That's good. About time my idiotic stubborn hotheaded brother did something good for once."

"Shut up Sammy." Dean grumbles. He then pulls her to a side hug and she rested her head on his shoulder. "I was just being stupid."

"Yes you where." Y/n chuckles which Dean glared at her phone. "Anyways. I'm going to tell you guys something. Cass is being bother by some old lady that found him cute. It's funny because he is freaking out and can't seem to get away from her." Sam chuckles.

"Poor Cass. Go help him." Y/n says which Dean laugh already picturing it.

"Nah. I will make him suffer for a few seconds."

"Is your younger brother always this mean?" Y/n looks at Dean.

"Yep. And they said I'm mean."

"Well I got to go guys. I'm going to help him and hope I come back to the room with you guys looking decent."

Y/n blushes while Dean went with the flow. "I make no promises Sam."


"Bitch." With that Sam hangs up. She puts her phone away and grabs the remote control and turns the tv on. She leans her head on his shoulder.

"What do you want to watch?" she asks changing the channels. She was annoyed because everytime she changed the channel there had to be a commercial. "Damn commercials. I hate them."

"Yeah. Everybody does. But I don't want to watch tv." he whines and his head went to the crook of her neck. His breath tickle her which she laughs and tried to push him away but he only pulled her to him and forced her to look at him. "You are so beautiful and amazing." he whispers and pressed his lips to hers not allowing her to say anything.

Then the door slams open startling them both and there walked in Kathleen with four vampires behind her. "Hello Y/n. Dean." she smirks.

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