Chapter 8

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Y/n like she promised went to buy a few clothes at the thrift shop. Dean went with her while the others stayed home to relax. He was following her around as she chose the clothes and he decided to test something out. "I want you to start wearing flannels." he looks at her putting up a serious face.

She looks at him for a few seconds frowning as she slightly tilted her head to the side wanting to ask why but then decided against it. "Okay."

He took her to another store where she can find them and he helps her pick some. He got four of them and jeans. He was tempting for her to wear something more revealing but he didn't want to take advantage of that so he went against it.

"Wait hold on." he stops her which she turns to face him signaling for him to go on. "Why do you listen to me instead of making your own choices?"

She didn't realise she was doing that and didn't know what to say to that. "I am? Oh. Uh.. I don't know. Honestly." she says slowly.

He frowns, "there's got to be a reason as to why. You know what lets buy all this and go grab a bite. Let's go." he says walking pass her knowing she will follow and as expected she does.

They stop at a pizza store and order one as they waited outside not wanting to be inside since it was crowded. They where leaning against the front of the impala and thankfully it was fresh and cloudy. "So tell me Y/n. When did you become a hunter?" he looks at her as his hands was on his jean pockets.

"Uh.. When I was sixteen." She says recalling the events that took place back when she was just a teenager. Technically she was way older then Dean. She was about a hundred two years old and she look like she was in her mid twenties.

When she was turn to a vampire she was worried she would stay in her late sixteens but thankfully she grown mature and stayed that way ever since. "I was thought by a hunter name Michael. He was always there for me ever since that happened. How about you?"

"He still around?" he questions and she narrowed her eyes at him since he avoided the subject of himself. She didn't know how to answer him because he was but if she says that he will question as to why he wasn't around. So she took this opportunity to make it seem as if she won't talk if he won't say anything of himself.

"I share something and I want you to share as well but since you avoided my question so I'm going to avoid answering your question." she smirks at him. She was proud of herself for lying almost expertly yet she hated it.

He scoffs but didn't forced her neither. "Fine whatever. I hate you." he playfully says to her which she didn't find it funny. If he knows what she is those words will not be playfully but held truth to it. It was painful to think of that but had to put up a fake smile.

She playfully hits his shoulder, "I hate you too."

"How crazy are you? I mean I know that if you get comfortable around us you will start talking more because you said it yourself. I'm curious yet I want you to be comfortable around us to get to see how crazy you are."

She laughs a fake laugh but to him it seem realistic. She acted how she would of react if she weren't to be worried of planing to kill him. "You know. Michael was complaining to me because I was so quiet.." she starts smiling just by thinking of him. She missed him and wonder how he was doing. "And then I started to feel more comfortable around him and now he wishes for me to shut up."

"So I get that he is still around kicking." he says.

"Oh yeah uh.." she pauses and quickly things of a lie. "He went to visit a family member because his grandma got sick. So he isn't here." she hated lying to him and knew this wasn't going to be the last. Her mind then went to the pizza and then the poison. This was an opportunity. Dean had changed his mind saying he will order pizza for everybody to eat. She can poison the pizza and she can go to the bathroom while they eat and then they will not realised what hit them.

First she got to make sure everybody agrees to eat because if one doesn't then that will be a problem and realised what she done and kill her. Just by thinking of it made her heart start pounding in anxiety. She didn't want to do it but she had no other choice. She either does it or don't and Michael gets killed and she is alone forever. She didn't want that.

Another thing that pop in her mind was to tell Dean everything. She knew the risk because if she does he will not give her a chance and kill her. That wasn't an option at all. She didn't want to die but didn't want to kill them and stay alone for the rest of her live.

This decision was hard and she wished she never went with Dean at the dinner in the first place. This would never had happened and she would still be with Michael at the cottage hiding from the hunters waiting for them to leave.

She didn't think one decision can cause problems. It did and it wasn't going well with her. "Are you okay?" Dean asks noticing her hands shaking and she seem anxious. She just noticed that and chuckles nervously trying to calm herself down but it only got worse since Dean was aware of her state. She was on the urge of panicking thinking he will find out and kill her or worst hate her for the rest of her life.

She can already picture it. "Hey wow. Relax." Dean placed both of his hand on her shoulders. "Sweetheart look at me." he demanded getting in front of her. Her breathing started to increase and tears started forming from her eyes. She couldn't control herself and she hated it and what was worst was that many emotions hit her all at once. She wanted to yell and scream but didn't want to cause a scene.

She felt his fingers went under her chin tilting her head up forcing her to look at his green worried eyes. "Hey whatever it is it's going to be fine." he assures her which it got worse. It wasn't going to be fine if she was planning to kill him along with the others.

He then takes her to the passenger seat since they where getting stares and sits next to her pulling her for a hug. He rubs her shoulder trying to comfort her as she placed her head on his chest wanting to cherish this knowing it won't be forever like she wished it was.

"Sweetheart. I need you tell me what trigger this?" Dean asks wanting to know to see what he can do to help. She really appreciated that but couldn't tell the truth. "Maybe I can help."

"I have bad anxiety." she lied but now that she thinks about it she's been feeling anxious ever since she meet them. She was always fine until now. "That's it. It just happens."

"Don't you need to take pills for that?" he questions. She shrugs. "I don't want to be stuck on pills forever. So I don't take them." she says feeling her heart rate slowly coming back to normal.

"True. But are going to relax today and tomorrow no questions ask. Maybe this case is getting to you. And I heard that taking baths is quiet relaxing so you are going to take one. Take as long as you need.   Okay?" she just nodded her head loving how he was trying to make her feel better it was depressing really when this was all base on lies. "Good. If you want I can join too." he jokes laughing which she raised herself up just to punch his shoulders playfully glaring at him. "Okay. I think the ten minutes is up so... I'm going to go inside if the pizza is ready." he says which she nodded her head. "Are you okay being alone?"

"Yes I'm fine. Go!" she pushes him out of the door. He rolled his eyes and leans himself to her and her breath hitches and he kissed her on her forehead. "Wait here." he looks at her and she swore she noticed he was looking at her with awe. She can even hear his heart pounding fast. She nodded her head and he left. She leans herself back against the seat watching him enter the pizza store.

"I hate this." she mumbles to herself feeling deep with emotions and almost wished someone comes and kills her because all this was to much for her to take.

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