Chapter 26

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Y/n comes out of the bathroom just finishing with her warm bath. She walked to the kitchen and opens the fridge taking out a blood bag. She started to drink from it.

She then stops and turns around to look out the window seeing the sun was already rising up. It meant one thing. Joshua was going to tell them it was daylight. He was right most of the vampires went to sleep because they prefer the dark it was better to hunt during that time and easier.

She only slept for an hour and woke up crying because all of the things that happened. She was contemplating if she should leave or not. If she stayed she knew what will happen.

She throws the empty bag on the trash can and walked out the kitchen. She went up stairs to her room that was given to her and started to pack her clothes. Ren was send to bring her clothes to her.

She stops midway when she felt a horrible chill went up her spine. The hairs from the back of her neck raised on one end. Her gut was yelling at her sending warning signals to get out.

She quickly pack knowing it was better if she listened. She closed the duffle bag close and slumps it over her shoulder and walked out her room. She looks both ways making sure the coast was clear. She turns around to close the door behind her. When she turns around she gasp seeing Dean right in front of her. He smirks and his hands where bloody along with his clothes. He then tackles her and both fell against the door causing it to break and both landed on the carpet floor.

Y/n gasps awake from her dream and she was relieved it was only a dream. She sits up from her bed panting. Her door slams open startling her and the one that escorted her to her room look panic. "What is it Jonah?"

"They all escaped." she then jumps out of bed and followed him walking down the stairs. "Help me alert the rest." he says urgently and ran upstairs to wake the others up.

Some vampires where already up in worried not knowing what to do. Kathleen isn't here right now to order them around. The door from the basement opens and there walked out Dean. He turns to face her with a deadly aura. A bloody machete in hand. He held it tightly and strides towards her.

She froze on her spot mentally yelling at herself to move it and run. Her body didn't respond to her and she only watched him come closer to her.

She then felt a hand grab her arm and yank her back. She almost fell down but quickly steadies herself and snaps out of her frozen state. "Let's go." it was Ren. She wonder why was he helping her but didn't question him and ran with him out of the mansion.

They both stop and turn around to see that he didn't follow her. She can hear there was a lot of commotion inside. She knew they where fighting the hunters as best as they could. Some even ran out running away. "Why did you help me Ren?" she questions turning to look at him.

"Because I don't like Kathleen. I hate her but I got to save my skin so yeah.. I didn't risk it and just worked for her. It was safer that way." he explains. "And I know you hate her too. Obviously she caused you a lot of pain."

Then the mansion all seem silent which both shared a look and look back at the home wondering what was happening. Ren was curious as hell and began to walk towards the front. Y/n cursed herself and followed behind him since she too wanted to know what was going on inside.

Ren opens the door and enters gasping. Y/n frowns and push pass him since he was blocking her view and gasp as well.

Many vampires where on the floor dead and the place was a mess. Like a tornado came inside and caused all this but that wasn't the only reason.

In front of them Sam was on the floor groaning as a vampire held him down. Gabriel and Cass where unconscious on the floor. While Dean was pinned at the wall being held by two vampires on each side of him.

There in the middle of all this stood the king of all vampires. The one in charge and was non other then Crowley himself. "Welcome. Come on in." he looks at Y/n and Ren who quickly bow their heads in respect and because he was king.

"Now. I came here personally because I heard the Winchesters where here. I was curious so I came here knowing that if I send my guards to get them they will end up dead. So I decided to pay a visit myself." he explains himself then looks at Dean with interest.

"What do you want Crowley." it seem as if they already meet by the way he talked to him. "I told you. If I see you again-"

"Yeah I know. Have my head." he rolled his eyes. "But that won't happen. I have a better idea because you been murdering all my children!" he yells out in anger. "I am not fond of that." he says his voice going back to normal.

"I only hunt the ones that kill innocents." Dean talked back to him clearly not afraid of the king himself.

"Doesn't matter." he shrugs and smirks. He then raised his wrist up and using his long nails he cuts his skin as blood poured out. Y/n's eyes widen knowing what he was going to do. Ren had to grab her arm to stop her from doing anything stupid. She will be slaughter if she does so she stayed her ground.

"I just curious of what if I turn one of the Winchesters to one of ours. And I decided I want you." he says forcing his mouth open. Dean struggle trying to close his mouth and not take it but he held her in a strong grip. "Hold still." Crowley says and raised his wrist letting the blood go into his mouth.

"Leave him alone!" Sam gets up but he was knocked out by the vampire holding him. Crowley then moves his wrist and before Dean can spit it out he quickly covers his mouth and pinched his nose so that he can force himself to drink it.

He was trying his best to not do it but he needed air and swallowed the blood. Crowley pulls his hand away satisfied. "Now you will be hunted." Dean breathed out and glares at him. "You son of a bitch!" he spat.

"Now that's not a way to speak like that to your new king."

"You ain't my king. I don't go for bastards like you." he growls. Then the blood took effect and he felt all his senses where stronger then ever. The vampires holding him let him go as he falls down to the floor on all fours.

He felt dizzy and hunger he never felt before. His eyes looks at Gabriel and Cass who where unconscious and closed his eyes feeling the urge to feed on them. He can hear their hearts beating in a normal pace due to them sleeping. The blood rushing through their veins was to much.

He then felt pain from his teeth and groans as he felt two sharp canine teeth growing out. His head hurt badly and the lights from the sun ray hurt him.

"Well I hope you have a fun day." Crowley smirks and walked out the mansion leaving the others behind.

Y/n wanted to rush to Dean to be there for him but she knew he will only push her away. She then noticed Michael coming towards him and looks at her nodding her way giving her an assuring look. That he will take care of him. She smiles at him knowing she can trust him.

She then takes steps back and walk out the mansion to the cottage needing to pack and leave.

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