Chapter 4:

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Angie 'Star' Asteria P.O.V:
  I head over to the one place I can relax, my cave. Well technically it's not my cave, but Nico and I are the only people that know about it. At least I think it still is the only place both of us can share. Nico and I actually found this place by accident, I didn't even know it was here and I lived here most of my life. Nico had barely got here and was chasing me after I pulled a small prank that involved him sleeping and myself putting his hand lukewarm water. After he washed off and changed he started chasing me. We ran till we got to the beach I found this one place where sand was distilled and I fell down into a beautiful cave where there was a pool a little ways away from the opening. Nico came in after me and we decided this would be our place.
  Anyways as soon as I made it to the cave I just broke down. I'm a mess, I can't even stand the sight of my mum's son. A hand places itself on my shoulder. I turn around to see my best friend Nico di Angelo, he pulls me into a hug. Most people may think Nico is cold but I know otherwise. He's my best friend, one of the only people that I can cry around without being weak. I turn to him.
  "Thank you Nico.", I say. 
  "Anything for you.", he says sincerely. I pat his head.
  "You know, you're a good friend.", I say.  His eyes flash with something I can't quite figure out. Pain? No way it's not from what I said he probably hit his foot on a rock or something.
  "Thanks.", he says though it sounds forced.
  "Something's bothering you.", I state. He flinches.
  "Yes.", he says and runs his hands through his hair like he does when he's frustrated.
  "I won't pry, if you want to tell me what's wrong do it when you want to.", I say softly.
  "I really missed you Angie.",he said. I raise an eyebrow at my name.
  "What did I say about the name Angie.", I ask.
  "To not call you that because it means 'messenger' and to call you Asteria because it means 'star' and you'd rather be called a 'star' than a 'messenger".",Nico says in a monotone voice. We look at eachother before laughing, it's almost like it's never changed. Like I was never in a coma for three years. My stomach rumbles. We look at each other again before laughing.
  "Hey Nico when's the last time I ate real food?'. I ask through my laughter. He suddenly stops laughing and gets up while pulling me up with him.
  "Three years, now come on we have got to get some real food into your system.", Nico says worriedly.
  "Ok, now anything happen? Wait is Luke alright?", I ask. I really hope Luke is alright, he's my big brother and one of the only brother's I can have a deep conversation with without feeling embarrassed.
  "He's dead, Asteria.",Nico says sternly. Tears brim my eyes once more.
  "No.",I say. He can't be dead he just can't. I refuse to believe he's gone.
  "I'm sorry.", Nico says looking at me with sad eyes. I turn to him in anger.
  "YOUR LYING! My big brother is not dead!", I yell. Nico puts a hand on my shoulder which I shake off.
  "Angie Asteria Evans, listen to me Luke's dead.".Nico says sternly. I look at him with hope.
  "You can bring him back. Please bring him back.",I plead.
  "I can't do that.", he says softly.
  "BRING HIM BACK!", I demand tears pouring down my face.
  "I can't.", Nico explains.
  "I just want him back. He promised, and Luke never broke a promise to me.", I sob. Nico looks at me with worry.
  "What did he promise you?", he asks.
  "Luke promised me that no matter what happened he'd find a way back to me, and Luke never broke a promise to me.", I cry.
  "Luke's not coming back.", Nico says softly. My sanity just about snaps, I'm now dancing on the thin line between sanity and madness. I laugh bitterly and look at Nico with a slightly deranged look in my eyes.
  "Your wrong, my brother never broke a promise to me. He'll find a way back, he always did.",I say.
  "What do you mean?", Nico asks.
  "Luke would visit me before Kronos took over his body. I gave him my blessing to bathe in the River Styx although I was against it.",I say bitterly. Nico looks at me with sadness in his eyes. 
  "Luke can't come back to you, you have to go to him.",Nico gently says,"But, don't go to him before your time. Come on, let's go eat."
  "He's not dead.", I continue over and over as we walk to the pavillion. I sit down at my table and notice it's less crowded. Once I make my offering to Hermes I sit down. Travis and Connor sat down on either side of me with smiles on their face.
  "He's not dead.", I repeat to them. They look at eachother as what I said dawns on them, they frown.
  "Star he's gone.",Connor said.
  "He's not dead.",I say determinedly. 
  "Why do you think that?", Travis asks.
  "I know he's not dead because he woke me up.", I say.

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