Chapter 16:

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Third Person P.O.V:
  When Will and Asteria broke apart they heard clapping, turning around they found a mad Apollo and an angry Hermes. Will and Asteria blushed profusely, Will had no idea why his father would be angry but Hermes he could understand. Carefully stepping apart they looked at their dads.
  "In this cabin Asteria?",Hermes asked.
  "Well yeah, I was in the neighborhood and just stopped by to find Will.",Asteria said. Will nodded.
  "Yes, and I greeted her.",Will explained.
  "Must have been some greeting.",Apollo murmured. Hermes whacked him on the back of his head.
  "I thought your brothers would have taught you more decency.",Hermes muttered though they all heard him. Asteria rolled her eyes at that.
  "They're your sons, the only thing they taught me was to 'do things in the spur of the moment and regret it later' you should know. I mean weren't you 'watching' us all?",Star questioned. Hermes spluttered.
  "I am your father and I have tried my best.",Hermes said.
  "Is that why Luke is gone?",Asteria whispered.
  "Don't you dare bring your brother into this! He is gone and if you can't accept it you'll end up like him soon!",Hermes thundered. Asteria froze before continuing. 
  "Oh I'll end up sacrificing my only sister's soul so that I could live? And put her into a coma for three years only to come to her saying sorry? I would not do that. I may resent you for ever meeting my mother and leaving me with that bloody horrid woman, but I would never give my sibling's soul to death.",Asteria hissed while leaving the rooms occupants in shock.
  "What?",Apollo questioned before promptly stepping towards the girl. She backed away.
  "I knew I shouldn't have let that slip.",Asteria said before running away for the second time that day.
  As Angie entered the forest she broke down, Luke quietly slipped over to her. Gently placing a hand on her shoulder she saw him and yelled in frustration.
  "I wouldn't do that if I were you.",Luke said.
  "Your the reason I'm dying.",Angie said.
  "I wasn't the one who betrayed everyone.",Luke said venomously.
  "What are you talking about you were the bloody traitor.",Asteria nervously spoke.
  "You know Star I thought that to, until I did some research of my own. I know what you did.",Luke whispered in a ominous tone of despair.
  "What did I do? I fought for the side of the gods.",Star said.
  "That may be true, but I doubt anyone really knows what happened that day. You wouldn't want anyone finding out what you did, now would you?",Luke questioned.
  "What did I do?", Asteria asked though her voice shook.
  "Apollo came to you that day didn't he?",Luke continued to interrogate her.
  "Yes, so.",Asteria questioned.
  "He offered you immortality as his bride, correct.",Luke said evenly.
  "Yes.",Asteria whispered guiltily.
  "What did you say again? Oh yes that's right you said when I'm dying all alone i'll accept your offer. And then you swore on the River Styx.",Luke continued,"If i'm not mistaken if you're not married by the time of your death you will be married to Apollo."
  "Yes, Ok now you know that I was too weak to say no. I mean he's Apollo, but I don't care at the moment because I'm just confused about this whole thing. So, who told you?",Asteria asked.
  "Ares told me after he heard it from his son Eros. Don't worry though we are the only one's who know this secret, this betrayal.",Luke said.
  "You say my choices are betrayals, how?",Asteria asked confused.
  "As a goddess you will not be able to visit your-our brothers. You will betray the Apollo campers by marrying their dad. Is that what you want?",Luke asked softly.
  "I'm not sure.",Asteria said before running away from Luke and towards her cabin. She could never take up Artemis' offer or take up Aphrodite's advice. All because she swore on the River Styx.

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