Chapter 14:

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Third Person P.O.V:
  As Will went to sleep in his cabin he dreamed a dream that felt so real. Here he was on a beach holding hands with Asteria as they said their vows. Just as they were going to say "I do" the visions changed into something different. He was no longer the groom. A man with a blurred face with hair that continuously changed shades was holding hands with Asteria. Will couldn't decipher his face, it was unreadable.
  "Let her remember all that she has witnessed, every emotion, every thought, and every action.", the fates chanted in unison. Will woke up in a sweat. Had all he seen been a forewarning? Who was the guy Asteria was going to marry, and was she even going to live that long? The questions started racing through his head before he went back to sleep. He held the key to her survival, yet didn't know it?
  Who would she choose? Who would save her? And more importantly, who does she love? Within Will's mind it was simple, Aphrodite was giving him a chance to help her find love in someone other than him-or keep her for himself. Will wanted so desperately to leave her in the past, after all it was the past for a reason. It felt wrong for him to love her considering how Nico felt about her. 'Was I being selfish?' Will asked himself. Just as his head hit the pillow like a pile of bricks Will had made his decision. He would do whatever it took to insure her happiness, even if it meant sacrificing his own. Some would call him a fool if they heard his decision, some would call him brave. But, he was just a guy who would do whatever it took to see the girl he loved happy once more.
  Nico paced around his cabin frowning, Will had always been a sort of older brother figure for him yet he also liked Asteria. Things were getting even more complicated every day. One day he had to fight off Leo, and now it turns out Will had a past with her as well. How in the name of Zeus was Nico going to make her believe she belonged with him? How was he supposed to show her he was the one? He made her smile,laugh, and hope. Will only led her on then broke her heart. Nico finally drifted off into a void of darkness that he called sleep. Nothing could prepare him for what would soon happen.
  Leo sat hunched over the table in Bunk 9 he sat staring at a photo from a album his dad had given him. In the photo album sat a photo of a young Asteria and Leo. 'Had we really known each other?' Leo thought. He put his head in his hands and yelled in frustration. He knew he was going to lose this unspoken feud between everyone. He was unsure if he would ever win her affections. Sure Leo could make Asteria laugh, but that was nothing compared to the others who shared a deeper history with her. Maybe this could level the playing field?
  Fred sat on 'his' bed talking to George when the sudden topic of Asteria came up. "Do you like her as more than a friend Freddie?",George asked.
  "I'm not bloody sure Georgie. It's complicated. She's a dying angel.",Fred explained to George.
  "Those are the best ones.",George explained.
  "How?",Fred asked sadly.
  "They live life their way, only smile and laugh at stuff that amuses them. They don't follow anyone else's rules. You see Freddie my dear boy, Dying Angels aren't much different than us. Some people think they might be a disaster waiting to happen, but in reality they're just misunderstood.", George stated like a old blind man who had not seen everything the world has to offer, yet knows about the world better than those who had seen it. They only saw it partially-with old eyes.
  A blind man sometimes sees the world with newer eyes and a brighter mind than a child- or even a baby. George knows better than to watch the world go by, so watching his brother let this pass by saddened him deeply. Fred was repressing his feelings so that he wouldn't end up broken hearted in the end, George though knew that. Both twins quickly switched the topic. A issue could only be repressed for so long before it exploded.
  Asteria sat sound asleep, though for a reason unknown to her she started reliving the fateful day she and Will became a 'item' and broke up. The memories help her remember though that it happened,
  It all started seven months before Nico arrived, Will had approached Asteria nervously,Asteria had just finished watching a prank some of brothers played go wrong. Asteria was braiding flowers into her hair and humming a song she heard her Aunt Petunia singing when she found out Angie had no magical blood in her when Will spoke to her.
  "Um... hey A-asteria well um... I like you.",Will stuttered out.
  "I like you to silly, we're friends aren't we?", a young Asteria asked. Will turned red.
  "No I like you as more than a friend.",Will mumbled though his face was as red as the flames of a glowing amber picked fresh from a fire. 
  "So, what now?",Asteria asked seemingly dumbstruck by the thought of someone liking her. Will rubbed the back of his head nervously.
  "I'm not sure, do  you want to be my girlfriend?",Will asked. Asteria turned beet red before smiling.
  "Yeah Will, I would like that.", Asteria said as they walked hand in hand to the dining pavillion.                             
  Flash forward six months and Asteria is sitting under a tree reading a book on how to pull prank and seem obvious to it all. Asteria was as happy as she could be, her cabin had gone a whole week without trouble. It was very surprising, a great record breaking accomplishment for the cabin. Then Will approached her with a determined yet definitely sad look on his face.
  "Asteria I never liked you, it was all a joke. Why would I like you? I saw a pretty Aphrodite girl today and I thought why would I want to be with you when there are people like her around. So I'm breaking up with you.",Will said steadily though something in his voice was telling her not to give up on him she did anyways.
  "Will, just leave me alone.",Asteria said through gritted teeth. He silently left. That day was the first time Artemis had asked her to join the hunt.
  "Boys will cause you nothing but confusion and misery young one. The fates forbid me to interfere in your personal life, but they can't keep me from helping you see all the pain and heartache men can cause you. Aphrodite will probably hate me for this, but I offer you to join my hunt young one. I have had brief interactions with the Fates about you, your life holds many things that even they cannot see. So what do you say about my offer?",the goddess Artemis asked.
  "Lady Artemis as much as I would like to join you, I simply can't.",Asteria stated.
  "Why not?",the said goddess asked in confusion.
  "I have my brothers to look out for, they'll end up doing something stupider than normal, and I won't be here to get them out of trouble.",Angie said. Artemis frowned but nodded understandingly.
  "Pity, you would have made a great hunter. You have a knowledge of that beyond your years. Perhaps another time?  ",Artemis said.
  "Yes my lady, perhaps.",Asteria said.
  Suddenly the dream shimmered and changed to show a woman with ever changing features. She looked like a model, Asteria was tempted to curl up in a ball and hide herself away from the woman, but she knew the woman before her was Aphrodite. Angie bowed.
  "Rise child.",Aphrodite said in a soothing voice. Asteria felt insecure around the goddess.
  "What do I owe this pleasure my lady?",Asteria asked.
  "Oh a child of Hermes with manners, I have now truly seen it all. I am here to tell you something that saddens me deeply, in seven months time you will be on your deathbed...",the goddess said only to be cut off by Asteria.
  "...Why are you telling me this?", Asteria asked as fear creeped up into her voice.
  "As much as it pains me, you may have to take up Artemis' offer to become a hunter. And you had such an interesting romantic story that was beginning to come unraveled. I haven't seen a love story this juicy since Helen of Troy, or even perhaps your friends 'Percabeth' combined!",Aphrodite exclaimed. Asteria blinked, trying to take in all this information at once.
  "You want me to be a Hunter?",Asteria asked, her voice laced with confusion.
  "If love does not see you through, then yes. I want you to be a hunter.",Aphrodite said before Asteria woke up.

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