Chapter 8:

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Angie P.O.V:
  As I enter the pavillion I notice Leo is gone, wow he didn't even say bye. I'm sitting down eating when I see a water balloon being thrown at me I instinctively grab a fork and throw it at the balloon, it explodes with water a few feet from me. I slowly get up and turn in the direction it was thrown from to see two boys with red hair. They were obviously twins, I could feel their closeness radiating in small waves of power. I know they aren't demigods because no demigod would be stupid enough to attempt to prank me. Their jaws drop and they stare at me in amazement.
  "Wow you are now our muse.",they say in unison. Well that wasn't slightly creepy, after all I live with Connor and Travis.And in my opinion those two are more creepy than these twins. 
  "Sorry I don't except that title, go find some poor other girl to bother.",I say. I finally get a better look at them, they're cute but not as cute as Leo or Nico. Wait what? Nico is like my best friend though and Leo I just met....I think. I then see Nico enter the building I jump. I run towards him.
  "Nico thank goodness you're here those mean red headed boys tried pranking me.",I pouted. Nico laughed and gently pushed me away. I frowned.
  "Have you eaten yet?",Nico asks. I nodded.
  "Can we go to our place?",I whisper. Nico nods, grabs my hand and we shadow travel to our place.
  "I love you Angie.",Nico says suddenly. I turn to him and smile.
  "I love you to Nico you're my best friend. I can't imagine my life without you.",I say. Suddenly a dream pops up in my head. It's a demigod dream.......i'm gonna die. Nico frowns slightly and in a second it's gone and replaced with a smile in a second.
  "Yeah, same here friend.",Nico says and a pang shoots through my heart as I hear him call me 'friend'.
  "Would you cry if I died.",I ask softly. He looks at me with confusion.
Third Person P.O.V:
  Nico looked at Angie in confusion. What did she mean?
  "No, are you kidding I'd be throwing a party.",Nico joked trying to ease the tension.
  "That's good to know.", she said softly. Nico looked at her worriedly.
  "Why?",he asked.
  "No reason just curious.",she replied brushing him off. He shrugged going back to admire her, but she caught him.
  "Um Nico, what are you doing.",Angie asked Nico.
  "I'm trying to stare into your soul.",Nico replied trying to sound curious. They then laughed and started heading back to their activities. Everything would be changing soon.

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