Chapter 1 (s1e1-part 1)

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I walked into the room ans grinned seeing my brother asleep on his desk. I sneak up behind him, some of the students looked at me. I put my finger to my lips and leaned down Alfie's ear.

"7 days!" I said in a deep, demonic sounding voice. I moved back quickly as he shot up looking around scared. "Jamie! Why would you do that!? You know how much I hated that movie!" He yelled. I grin when he looked me up and down. "Why are you in the uniform?"

"Oh didn't you know? Your my new teacher." I smirked and went and sat next to some random guy. 

"No. No. No. This is not happening." Alfie said rubbing his head. 

"Who are you?" The guy next to me asked. 

"Oh my names Jamie Whickers. I'm his younger sister." I smiled as my brother hit his head on his desk over and over. 

"This isn't happening. This isn't happening." He mumbled every time his head hit the desk.

"Your our age?" A Chinese girl asked.

"Yeah. Trust me. My parents where not expecting to have a baby at almost 50." I smiled.

"Wait. Why are you going here. You go to an all girl school." Alfie asked.

"Oh well I got kicked out." I said. 

"Why?" He asked. 

"Apparently I'm a stupid bitch that's going no where with her life." I rolled my eyes. "Mum got pissed when I failed my exam so she refused to pay my school fees so I'm moving in with you. And here I am." I smiled.

"Wait!? What do you mean 'moving in' with me!?" He yelled. 

"What? Dad doesn't have room and I'm not moving in with mum." I said crossing my arms. His head fell back on to the desk and I rolled my eyes before pulling out my phone. 


The door opened and I saw a woman walked in and slammed the door making Alfie sit up. 

"And that's how quiet Anne Frank and her family had to be to avoid being captured but the Nazis." Alfie asked.

"I need the papers Mr Wickers." The woman said. 

"You want to see my papers." Alfie said in a weird accent. 

"The mock exam papers." She said. 

"Has anyone ever told you that you would be an excellent ss officer." Alfie asked.

"Yes. Now should we just do this in my office?" Alfie silently got up and left with her. 

"Hey who was that?" I asked.

"Pickwell. Shes a bitch." The guy in the wheel chair said. 

"She looks like she should live in a cave." I said making the guy next to me chuckle. 

"Anyway. I got to go." I said. 

"What? You cant just leave." A girl at the front said. 

"I know I cant. But I'm gonna." I smiled. 

"I need a fag. I'll be back before he gets back." I smiled and slipped out. I headed outside and pulled out a fag. I put it in my mouth and looked through my pockets trying to find a lighter. "You have to be fucking kidding." I groan when I heard a clicking. I looked up seeing a bald, creepy kid. 

"Need a light?" I nodded and he lite me fag for me. I took a big drag before letting out the smoke. 

"Thanks." I sigh happily.

"You new?" I nodded as I took another drag of the fag.

"Yeah. And I got stuck in my brothers class." I frown.

"Who's your brother?" He asked taking my fag from my lips. "Alfie Whickers." I said and he rolled his eyes. 

"Your brothers a prat." I nodded agreeing with him. 

"Oh I know. He forgets my birthday every year. Even though its only a week after his." I groan taking the fag back. I took another drag before flicking it away. "Well I better get back. See you around..."

"Frank Grayson."

"Jamie Whickers."


After break we walked into class and Alfie stood by the door. 

"Class I have good news and bad news. What would you like first?" He asked.

"The bad news." Ying said."Well Ying the god news is today's history mo-dual is pear harbour. So that mean-" He banged on the desk as a drum roll. "-class wars." Everyone moved desks and I just sat on my desk , playing on my phone. He started rambling on about something but I phased out getting a text.


Umm...hi. Who's this?-J

It's Frank. I got your brother to give me your number.-F

Oh okay then. Whats up-J

Nothing. Bored. -F

Maybe listen in class. Some times it kills time.-J

I'm not in Class. Class is crap.-F

Such a great example lol-J

"Wait sir. What about the bad news?" Jo asked. I looked up from my phone and just looked at him. 

"You might all defiantly fail your mock exams." Alfie said. I rolled my eyes.

Talk later. My brother screwed up big time-J

"What do you mean we're going to fail?" Rem asked.

"Its complicated. I don't want to bore you with it." Alfie said. 

"You didn't mark them did you?" I asked.

"How would you know that?" He asked rolling his eyes. 

"I saw them at your flat last night not marked." I rolled my eyes and went on to my Instagram and looked through my old photos.

"Alfie. I can't fail. My dad will kill me." Jo frowned and I felt bad.

"Don't be silly." Alfie said.

"My dad will kill you." Mitchell said.

"Well...I mean...maybe I could mark some of them." Alfie said a little worried. 

"Al you need to mark them all. Or they'll fail beacuse of you." I said.

"I could live with that." He said slowly.

"I'll make you watch the ring again." I said and he viable paled a little.

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