Chapter 16 (s2e4-part 2)

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Fraiser started a take me out like thing and I couldn't help but flinch every time a guy was rejected by everyone.

"This is brutal." I said and Mitchell just wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Oh god what about poor Jo."

"I'm sure he'll be fine babes." Steven said. Jo went in and I watched as he started freaking out when the door wouldn't open. The stall fell over and I watched as a blue Jo climbed out. "Oh god. He looked like a smurf."

"So no liky no lighty." Fraiser said and everyone turned there light off except Allison.

"So what sets you apart from the crowd?" Fraiser asked.

"Asthma." Jo said.

"And a big willy." Alfie yelled getting funny looks from people.

"Why did you want to be on the show?" Fraiser asked.

"I just wanted to ask...Ally...Would you-" The lights went dead. I quickly grabbed Mitchell's hand and he pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me. The main light came on and weall looked over to the new deputy head.

"What are you doing?" Alfie asked.

"I know its all jolly organising such a-"

"Please get to the point." I said and she looked me up and down.

"Oh another one." She said looking at my bump. "Your name is?"

"Jamie Wickers. Alfie's sister." I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Wonderful." She smiled happily.

"Wait? What did you mean, another one?" Alfie asked.

"It would seem both Jamie Wickers and Chantell Parsons are pregnant." I turn to Alfie and felt angry.

"Sir, you promised not to tell!" Chantell said.

"I was asking Miss Gulliver for advice. She over heard." Alfie said quickly. "Look its not Chantell's fault. If anyone's to blame its me." Alfie said.

"Yeah he didn't do a great job at teaching sex ed." I said and the class agreed.

"Sir? Will you look after me and baby Alfie?" Chantell asked.

"Baby Alfie? Mr Wickers!?" Miss Green asked.

"Mr Wickers the dad!?" Mitchell asked.

"What the hell Al!?" I yelled.

"Its not mine you idiot." Alfie yelled. "I just meant I'd help look after the child."

"Yeah. Sirs just trying to be nice." Steven said. "Sing sir." And he did. I hid my face in my hands as he sang.

"Mr Wickers. If you have impregnated this young lady, I will have no choice but to go to the orforaties." Miss Green said.

"The police." My Gulliver said when Alfie looked lost.

"No. Not the Police." Alfie panicked.

"Wait. I'm not pregnant." Chantell said quickly. "I lied. I just wanted it to seem like someone loves me."

"There is still the issue about Miss Wickers." Miss Green said.

"Don't go there lady." I hissed.

"Oh but I shall. This school is not a good place for a pregnant young lady. I shall look into online schooling and have your forms ready to leave the school by tomorrow." She said quickly and left. I just stood there.

"Did I just get kicked out of school?"


I sat in the living room and Miss Green came in with my dad and I quickly formed a plan.

"Daddy?" I said fake tears filling my eyes.

"Jamie? Whats wrong?" He asked quickly coming over to my side. If this didn't work nothing would.

"I got kicked out of school for being pregnant." I sniffled and he hugged me gently.

"Now. I'm sure that's not the reason." He said.

"It is. Isn't it Miss Green." I sad and my dad looked up at his date.

"The school isn't a safe place for a young woman carrying a baby." Miss Green quickly said.

"She has a point angel." My dad said.

"But I've been fine for the last 4 months. And Alfie takes good care of me. My friends so too. I cant just leave daddy. I want to do my exams so badly. I want to still go to college. You know that." I frowned and he nodded.

"Maybe you could have something put in place." My dad said looking up at Miss Green. "So she is with someone at all times."

"I suppose." She said through her teeth. "Where can I powder my noise?"

"I'll show her daddy." I smiled and we walked to the bathroom. Just as she went to go into the room I stopped her. "You may be dating my dad but I'll always be his little girl. His youngest child and his only daughter. He loves me and he'd do anything for me. Hes already very much in love with the idea of being a grandpa so if you do anything to upset me, I'll make your life hell." I said and she put on a fake smile.

"Of course." She said and I heard the door bell.

"That will be Mitchell." I called out to Alfie. I quickly made my way to the door and saw Mitchell stood there with a small box and flowers.

"You look beautiful." He smiled.

"Your outfits missing something." I said looking him up and down. I grabbed the small box near the door and handed it to him. "Happy Valentines day." I smiled and he opened it looking at the watch.

"Wow. This is amazing." He smiled and put it on. "These are for you." He smiled. I took the flowers and invited him in.

"They look nice Angel." My dad smiled as he sat next to Miss Green.

"Aren't they? Mitchell got them for me. I was just going to put them in water before we go." I smiled and went to the kitchen. "Al. Put these in some water. I'm heading out. See you later." He nodded and I left with my date.

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