Chapter 17 (s2e5-part 1)

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I had agreed to go the school with Alfie adn dad adn now I wish I hadn't.

"Look I know how much yu both hate the idea of me adn Celia being an item-"

"I dont hate it dadd. If she makes you happy Im happy. Shes just not nice to me just because Im pregnant so young." I said with a frown.

"I've already spoken to her. She'll try harder to be nicer Angel. Promise." He smiled.

"Thank you daddy." I smiled.

"Kiss-ass." Alfie mumbled. 

"Oh I have a scan later today. If you want to come with me ad Mitchell Dad." I smiled. 

"That would be wonderful Angel. About time I saw this little one first hand." He smiled. 


I was on the way to class when Miss Green stopped me. 

"Miss Wickers. I was hoping me and you could have a little chat." She smiled. 

"Of course. Is there something you needed?" I asked. Something I could do without looking on my phone was put it on record. So now just in case she said anything bad I could use it agents her.

"No just wanted to let you know your falling behind in Math. I'd like you to do the revision class during lunch." She said sweetly.

"But I have a hospital appointment. I have a baby scan I need to go too. My dads coming along this time. Hes so happy about it." I smiled. 

"Now you listen here you little brat." I just waited. "You and that little spawn of yors have caused me enough problems in this chool year and I've only been here 2 weeks. I dont care what you say. You will be going to the revision or I'll have you removed from the school for failing." I made the tears appear. 

"But...I need to go to the appointment to make sure the baby is okay." I sniffle. 

"Oh stop it. I could care less about that thing in you. I need to keep the image of this school perfect. Your lucky your still here. I will not have any student failing." She said and walked away. I let out a couple crys to be sure before stopping the recording and wiping the fake tears away.  I walked into Class seeing Steven crying and Alfie not helping. 

"Something going on?" I asked.

"Where did you go?" Alfie asked.

"Getting blackmail material on Miss Green. If she so much as looks at me in the wrong way. I'll have her fired." I said and sat by Mitchell. 

"My parents are taking me out of Abby Grove." Steven said. 

"That's not fair. I mean you have friends here and you only have a year left before GCSE's anyway." I said and he frowned nodding.

"They want me to be some Lawyer." Steven said. 

"Maybe I could talk to them. Show them that the schools doing everything they can to help me. Maybe get them to keep you through Sympathy." I said. "You have to let Steven stay. Hes my best friend and hes helping me through suck a hard time." I said with fake tears.

"I though I was your best mate!?" Rem yelled.

"Wrong again. I am." Chantell smiled. 

"Best gay friend." I said pointing to Steven. "Best female friend." I said pointing to Chantell. "Best friend when I don't want to walk anywhere." I grin and Mitchell laughed. 

"How come she gets to talk to your parents and I don't?" Alfie asked.

"Easy. Being pregnant means I can show that she school does care about its students and that even though I'm pregnant there still willing to help me get a good education. That the school hasn't quite given up on my just yet." I said.

"Even though Pro Green wants you out the door?" Rem asked.

"Yeah well that's all about to change." I grin and waved my phone for him to see.


"There will be no history class today." Miss Gulliver said as she walked in. 

"Yay!" Everyone cheered.

"Don't learn anything anyway." I cheered and she just smiled at me.

"I'm going to do my drugs awareness speech followed by a question and answer." Miss Gulliver smiled.

"I got a question Miss." Mitchell asked.

"Yeah?" Miss Gulliver said. 

"Is it true sniffer dogs cant smell skunk if you put it in a bottle of fem fresh?" Mitchell asked.

"I highly doubt it." Miss Gulliver said.

"Oh man. Anyone want a bottle of fem fresh?" Rem asked.

"Oh yeah. I'll take it." Alfie said. "My flat gets really smelly."

"Do you even know what fem fresh is?" Ying asked.

"Yeah to make your curtains and stuff smell nice." Alfie said. 

"I can't believe how dumb you are sometimes." I said as Alfie pulled a face.

"Umm...Miss? Can I just go to the bathroom?" I asked quickly.

"Can't you hold it?" She asked as she brought in a cardboard cut out. 

"Nope." I said and hurried out and ran to the bathroom and threw up quickly. 

"J?" I heard Ying call. "I was told to see if you was okay." She said. 

"Fine." I mumbled before throwing up more. 

"Aren't you passed the morning sickness yet?" She asked.

"I don't think so." I moan. "I think I'm okay." I flushed the toilet and went to the sink. I pulled out mouth wash from my bag and rinsed my mouth out before popping two tick tacks into my mouth. "Lets get back." We walked back into class and there stood a woman, she resembled a hippy. 

"Where have you girls been?" Fraiser asked.

"Ying was helping me. I was a little sick." I said. 

"Little?" Ying asked while taking her seat. 

"Aww. Your having a baby." The woman came over cupping my bump. "Its such a beautiful time. Pregnancy." She smiled like she was off her head. 

"Ummm....who's this?" I asked.

"This is India-"

"Okay. Let go of me please. This is the only nice warning I give." I sad and she let me go. I quickly made my way over to Mitchell who wrapped his arm around me.


At Lunch my dad picked me and Mitchell up and we went to the hospital. Once I was laying onto the uncomfortable bed Mitchell just smiled. 

"So how are we feeling?" The midwife asked. 

"Good. Morning sickness still hasn't gotten any better." I frowned.

"I highly doubt its morning sickness now. You may be coming down with something. Keep an eye on it and book an appointment with you GP." I nodded as she turned on the main machine. "Who do you have with you today?"

"My dad and my boyfriend." I smiled and she smiled over to them. 

"Right shall we have a little look them?" I nodded and she grabbed the handle bit and squeezed a large amount of jelly stuff on my belly. I smiled as she looked around before smiling. 

"There we are." I looked at the screen and saw the outline of my small baby. "I'm going to take some measurements of the head and the other organs, make sure everything's growing properly. Your half way through your 5th month, if you want to know the gender we can have a look but sometimes we cant always tell." I nodded and she started to take the measurements. The baby moved and I hissed as they pressed down on my hip, Mitchell quickly taking my hand.

"So are we going to have another boy or another girl around the house?" My dad asked.

"Well..lets see." She moved around a little before smiling. "Congratulations. You're having a little girl." 

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