Chapter 22 (s3e2)

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I walked into class late and fell into my seat. 

"You alrigh'?" I shrugged. 

"I've only had 2 hours sleep. Angels sick." I groan. 

"Where is she now?" Steven asked.

"My dads watching her today. The nursery cant risk the other kids getting ill so she can't go in today." I said and he nodded. 

"Is it serious?" Chantell asked.

"No just a cold. I've already took her doctors about it this morning." I said. "Its why I'm 20 minutes late." I said.

"Alright everyone. Listen up. I got some news. I'm leaving Abby grove." Mitchell said. 

"Did ucip set fire to your caravan?" Steven ask.

"No. Why does everyone think I'm a gippo?" Mitchell asked. "I'm leaving because my dads fair grounds been shut down by the council." 

"You can always come stay with me. Alfie's never at the flat anymore. I sort of just took it." I said. "Its only for a couple months."

"Thanks babe." He smiled. "You sure though?" I nodded happily.

"It'd help out too. You can watch Angel when I go work." I smiled.

"Done. Never mind. Whats going on?" He asked.


"Change of plan. I wont be teaching you today. You guys are going to be getting on with these personal statements while I speed read this book." Alfie said.  I looked at the questions and rolled my eyes. 

"This is stupid." I say. 

"Where do you see your self in 5 years?" Jo asked. "How do we answer that?" 

"Easy. Treading the bored." He said pointing to Steven. "Crunching the numbers." Ying. "On the douh." Mitchell. "In the clink." Rem dog. "And-"

"Up the duff." Mitchell finished. 

"No. Working as a qualified beautision. Who may or may not be pregnant."  Alfie said.

"Don't worry sir, we'll be careful." Chantell said. 

"What about J? Where do you see her in 5 years?" Steven said.

"In Edinburgh." Alfie frowned. 

"Edinburgh?" Chantell asked.

"Why would she be there?" Rem asked.

"A college offered me a 2 year photography course. And an apprenticeship for when I finish." I said with a small smile. 

"But Edinburgh's miles away." Steven frowned.

"I know and I don't want to go. But this is the best college offer I've been given." I said. "The apprenticeship is with a fashion company. Its amazing."

"What about Mitchell?" Jo asked.

"I'll be moving in with her when she goes." Mitchell smiled kissing my cheek. "My dads fairs moving up there too so we wont be completely alone up there. And we can visit." I nodded quickly.

"When do you leave?" Ying asked.

"Not till after summer. The course starts September 21st so I have till then." I smiled. 


"What about our personal statements?" Chantell asked as Alfie put a book in Mitchell's chest. 

"Those can wait." Alfie said. "This is way more important."

"Why not just look online for the audio book and listen to it while we do our personal statements?" I asked.

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