chapter 5 (s1e3-Part 1)

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Two days into our trip and Frank kissed me and we've been seeing each other since.  We decided not to tell anyone for now. I agreed.  I got back and walked into school with Frank and he kissed me quickly while no one was around, before going over to his mates. I walked into my form and smiled seeing Steven and Chantell. 

"Babes you didn't tell us. How did the performance go?" Steven asked.

"I got second place." I said and Chanell hugged me tightly.

"Well done." She smiled. 

"Yeah apparently some dude got first place because he didn't make the judges wait. I ran a little late." I groan. "Anyway. I got to pick up my certificate and medal later. Only got back last night and I'm still so tiered."


"Alfie this isn't going to work." I sigh as I stood on the desk besides Jo.

"Just all of you listen, alright. Its important you remember all of this." Alfie said. "Get ready shes coming." He counted down from 3 and opened the door instead of saying one. Everyone said what they where ment too while I jsut stood there.

"Guys." He smiled before looking to Rosie. "They do this every time I go to the toilet." Alfie said.

"Staff room." Rosie said.

"Its a date." Alfie smiled.

"Its a staff meeting." She said before turning away. The bell went and I helped Jo off the desk before climbing off myself.

"Sir! You said you'd help me down!" I heard Rem yell.


"Okay guys, I need something important-Oh thanks Jo." Alfie smiled as Jo handed him a iced coffee from McDonald.

"No problem. Its on the house. Cuz that's what friends do. They buy each other things." Jo smiled.

"You all look knackers. Did you all have another party that you didn't invite me too?" He asked. "Well Jamie isn't tiered. Guess she wasn't invited either." Alfie grinned.

"No I have been studying." I said.

"Studying? Seriously? You?" Alfie asked.

"I want to get into a decent college, with a decent photography course." I state.

"They've all been up playing Tokyo sin." Jo said.

"Yes brov. Tokyo sin is dench." Mitchell said sitting up.

"Hang on. Hands up if you have this game?" Alfie asked. Everyone besides Jo and me put there hands up.

"Typical Jo. The only one in my crew with an scenes." Alfie said crossing his arms.

"I don't have it ever Al." I rolled my eyes and looked back to the text book in front of me.

"Its just that its an 18 and my mum wont buy it for me." Jo frowned. Rem snickered and I rolled my eyes. "If only I had an adult friend who owed me big time."

"Sir Tokyo sin is just a craze." Steven said.

"If its such a craze how come Jamie doesn't have it. Shes on all those socal media sights." He said.

"And its everywhere. Why do you think Im reading a text book and not on my phone." I said. "People are giving it way too much credit. By next week everyone will be hooked on a different game."

"No offence but is this game really your thing Steve?" Alfie asked.

"Nazi's in fishnet stockings?" Steven asked in a 'duh' voice.

"Chantell? Your a girl." Alfie said.

"Who meets guys on the online multiplayer." She said. "Look me up. My names Jail bait all one word." She smiled flirting.

"Chan. We've been over this. You can do better than my brother." I said not looking up from my text book.

"See I'm the only one." Jo said.

"Al I need the bathroom." I said and got up leaving. I walked outside and pulled out a fag.

"You alrigh'?" I looked up seeing one of Franks mated Liam.

"Yeah." I said lighting the fag. "What you doing out here?"

"I dont like going to class." He said leaning agents the wall.

"Np one likes going to class. But no one wants to be stuck here cuz they failed there exams." I rolled my eyes before taking another drag of my fag and pulled out my phone.

"So you and Frank a thing or what? He asked.

"Why you asking?" I asked.

"Maybe I want to take you out." He grinned.

"Not even in your dreams." I said finishing my fag.

"Aww come on babe." He moved closer and I quickly moved around him.

"No. Not happening." I said when he grabbed my arm.

"Oi. She said no." I smiled looking up at Frank. His best mate Lewis next to him. I walked over and he smiled kissing me, showing off that I was his. He looked back to Liam, who seemed a little pale. "Why don't you get back to class babe. I'll see you in a bit." I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"Don't get arrested." I whisper grinning before walking back to class.


I walked into lunch with Lewis and Frank. They wouldn't tell me what they did to Liam. Just said they didn't kill him. We walked into the cafeteria and the door frame made a noise that made me jump.

"You have a weapon Jamie." Alfie said quickly looking at me with hope.

"Hardly. Its my keys." I said pulling out my keys which he quickly took.

"You could stab someone with them." He said putting them into the box.

"How will I get into the flat?" I asked.

"You wont." Alfie smiled. Frank reached into the box and grabbed them, handing them back to me. I saw Rosie watching us and quickly made fake tears fill my eyes. "I cant believe you'd lock me out." I sniffle and Rosie gave Alfie a disappointed look.

"No its just a joke-"

"Dick move Dickers." Frank growled stepping closer to him but I grabbed his arm.

"Lets just go." Rosie rubbed my back as I passed and I quickly wipped away the fake tears. "He wont be getting laid for a while." I smiled and Frank just laughed as we went to get food.

"Macaroni cheese. get that plate away from me." Steven said.

"Why glee?" Frank asked.

"I have an allergies. That plate could kill me" I could see the ideas forming in Franks mind already.

"Don't-" Too late. Frank threw the plate over Steven. I just watched in horror. Steven screamed while others laughed. Steven just got up and kicked Frank in the face. Soon everyone was fighting. I quickly hurried out the way, dragging Frank after me. Once in the hall I looked at his face. "That's going to bruise." I frowned and he shrugged.

"Don't really matter." He said.

"I know it hurts." He rubbed it and moved his jaw around. "You'll be fine." I sigh. "I tried to warn you."

"Mr Grayson. Miss Wickers. With me this instant." Pickwell called. I sighed.

"I didn't even do anything." i frowned and followed after the teacher.


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