Chapter 25-movie part 1

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"Class K forever, yeah?" Mitchell asked. I sat at my desk flipping through a magazine. 

"Hes going to pass out before you finish the F." I said before flipping the page. 

"I love you Jamie but could you not help a little?" Alfie asked. I grabbed a cloth and put it in his mouth. 

"Scream into that." I said before going back to my magazine. 


"So we was looking at the first war of Scottish independence." Alfie said. 

"Al. Can I go to the bathroom please?" I asked and he nodded waving me off. I went to the bathroom adn walked back to see a group of parents watching Class wars.

"Whats going on?" I asked.

"Your brother is a baffon." A woman I knew as Jo's mum said. 

"Hey. Only I can insult him. They can moke him." I said. 

"Oh really? And what is this?" SHe said jesturing to the class of mehem. 

"A reanacment of the first Scottish war for indapendence." I smiled as Alfie nodded. 

"And what could anyone learn from this imbacille?" Susan asked.

"Jo tell me everythign you know about this war." I asked.

"The First War of Scottish Independence was the initial chapter of engagements in a series of warring periods between English and Scottish forces lasting from the invasion by England in 1296 until the de jure restoration of Scottish independence with the Treaty of Edinburgh-Northampton in 1328." Jo smiled. 

"They do learn." I huffed and took my seat. 

"That doesn't mean that he should treat this place like tycashis castel. How the bloody hell do you turn this thing off?" She asked hitting the machine on the floor.

"Susan, I wouldn't-"

"Dont you Susan me." She said adn hit a button sending the poor class pet into her ars.


I sat in class as Alfie wrote on the bored. 

"Who wants to go to Cornwall?" Alfie asked.

"I've already said. Im not going anywhere without my baby girl." I said and Alfie nodded. 

"I've spoken to Fraiser. You can take her. As long as you remember she is your responsibility and the school dose't cover theaft or any sort of damage that may happen to her." Alfie said. 

"Shes a baby. Not a phone." I said and he nodded.

"What the hell is Cornwall?" Chantell asked.

"Its a county." Alfie said. 

"But its abrourd right?" Steven asked.

"Nope." I said. 

"The place is shit. I ain't traveling 6 hours to watch a farmer to wank off sheep into a bucket." Cleo said. 

"I doubt Angels going to be happy on a bus for that long." I added. 

"Come on guys. This is the end of year trip. We all have to go. No more exams to worry about. No more learning. Just fun." Alfie smiled. 

"In Cornwall?" I asked.

"Yep." Alfie smiled nodding.

"Well you guys have fun. I dobt my mums going to let me go anywhere." Jo frowned.

"She will thanks to this." Alfie said pulling out a piece of paper. "A fake artillery of boring school stuff that we wont actually be doing."

"What if you get found out?" I asked.

"That's simple. I lose my job and you all never see me again." Alfie smiled. "So who's up for Cornwall?" 


Two weeks later and here we are. Getting ready to get on the bus.

"You got everything?"My dad asked.

"Yes dad. I've packed everything. Except her crib." I smiled.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Bottles, blankets, cloths, dippers, travel coat, toys, dummies and her pram. I'll buy baby food when we get there but until then I have enough food to feed her. I also packed her formulare, nappy cream and pretty much everything in the bathroom, including the 5 first aid kits you keep making sure I find. I'll be fine dad.I have my phone and my money. I'll call if there's a problem."

"Don't worry sir, if we need anything while we're down there I'll just buy it." Mitchell smiled. 

"I'm trusting you to look after these two." My dad warned Mitchell. 

"We'll all look after them." Cleo smiled raking Angel from me. She had just learned to walk and Cleo held her hand so she didn't fall or run off as she looked around.

"I'm not a baby you know." I said. 

"Well have fun." He smiled and hugged me before we all got onto the bus, Joe's mum following us.

"I wasn't aware you was coming?" I asked. 

"Jo goes. I go." She said. 

"I can't really argue can I?" i asked as Angel squealed happily, waving at my dad.

"I didn't know your daughter was allowed to come?" She said turning to Alfie.

"Well I can't make a new mother stay away from her 1 year old for a week can I?" He asked sweetly.

"Da. Da." I smiled as Mitchell put Angel in his lap. 

"Everyone set?" Susan asked.

"Okay baby. Into your car seat." I smiled adn Mitchell strapped her in.

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