Chapter 23 (s3e4)

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"I still can't believe you ran someone over." I sighed as I sat in class. 

"Why do you have the baby?" Alfie asked.

"Nursery has a nit problem and I'm not letting my daughter get them." I said "Fraiser said its fine." I said. 

"Great. We raised over a grand. Finally Paul's going to be able to go to Vegas for that life changing surgery." Alfie said. 

"Are you going to tell him?" Mitchell asked. I shook my head. 

"Don't you think hes milking it a little?" Ying asked.

"I have paralysed the man." Alfie said. "I have ruined the guys life."

"How do you sleep at night?" Cleo asked. "Oh yeah I remember, in a bush in Miss Gulliver's garden." 

"That's where you go?" I asked. "You tell me it Nando's. You always come back with food."

"Not that we're complaining." Mitchell added.

"Hes still living with yous?" Cleo asked.

"Its my flat." Alfie said.

"And yet you sleep on the sofa." i said making Rem dog snicker.

"Hello smooch. Gang." My dad smiled as he walked into the room. "I have a reward for all you charitable endeavours." He smiled as Frank walked into the room. Alfie quickly held the money close.

"Alright dickers?" Frank said. "Whats the money for? Finally getting the fanny you want?"

"No because I'm read blooded male." Alfie said. 

"Though you did go through a phase. Skirts, dresses, padded bras." My dad said. 

"Oh yeah. The Agalina phase. God that was funny." I grinned.

"Made us call it him for about a week." My dad smiled.

"Franks been held back 5 years. No one else wants him in his class." Dad said. 

"No way. There must be another solution." Alfie said. 

"Either you take him or he gets permanently excluded." Dad said. 

"There we go." Alfie said. "Take that to Fraiser on your way."

"What if your teachers gave up on little Angelina?"

"If I take Frank in do you promise to never bring up Angelina ever again?" Alfie asked.

"Done." He said and left. 

"Well. Today just got fun." I said as i waved Angels stuffed bee around for her to play with.


I smiled as Cleo cooed down at Angel. The little girl seemed to take a liking to the other girl. Frank stood by her, watching Angel giggle happily as she tried to catch Cleo's fingers.

"Yo yo yo. Whats up my G's?" Alfie said as he walked into the class.

"Oh god whats happening?" Cleo asked me. 

"No idea." I said slowly.

"Frank when I was your age...actually we're simulare age.  I used to run with a crew." I just looked at Alfie. 

"How are we related?" I asked and he rolled his eyes at me. Angel squealed. I got her out and played pat a cake with her until I heard something that made me freeze. 

"Obviously not. I want him to break into an ambulance." Alfie said. 

"I'm staying out of this. I have a daughter. I'm not going prison."


"You stole Richards ambulance?" Miss Gulliver asked. Alfie lowered his head as he nodded.

"You stabbed some one with a pen?" I asked and Alfie nodded looking down.

"You torched Richards ambulance" She asked again. Alfie nodded. 

"Frank stole the money you was going to give to pod? who was a fraud?" I asked and he nodded again. 

"I don't know what to say." Miss Gulliver said. 

"How much in damage have you done today?" I asked.

"Almost £20,000. "I face palmed and Miss Gulliver frowned at him. 

"I can't believe you. All because you was paranoid and jealous?" He asked. He went to argue but I glared at him.; He slowly nodded and I sighed. 

"Your an idiot." I said. 


Later that day I sat with my dad and Alfie at the restraint. Angle in a small high chair. I decided to feed her before we ate so she wouldn't try to steal my food. That was the new thing she recently learnt. It was a nightmare.

"About those sexts-"

"Baby present." I said and my dad waved at Angel who happily ate her baby food.

"Listen there's something I forgot to mention before they arrive." My dad said.

"They?" Alfie asked.

"The thing is-"

"Hiya handsome." A blond woman smiled. 

"Oh Catherine. Hello." He smiled kissing her passionately. 

"Baby is still here." i said. They pulled away and the blonde smiled. 

"Oh hello again princess. Do you remember me? I'm your grandma."

"Grandma?" I asked as Frank walked over. 

"Jamie. Alfie meet your new step brother." I felt my jaw drop.  


"I would have helped out with buying things for her if Frank had told me sooner." Cathrine said glaring at her son. "He only told me last week."

"How could you not tell your own mother you had a child." I mumbled, sipping my cola.

"Well, like you said. she ain't mine. Is she?" Frank asked. 

"Don't throw this at me. You was the one who didn't want her. Told me to get rid of her." I snapped. 

"Now now. Lets all take a deep breath adn calm down." My dad said.

"I hope I can still be grandma even though Franks not daddy." Catherine smiled. 

"Of course. shes still blood related to you." I smiled. 

"Oh thank you sweetie. I always wanted a little girl to dress up." I gave her a small smile as we ate. "So you raise her alone?"

"No. My boyfriend lives with me. He helps a lot." I smiled.

"You what?" She asked.

"What?" I asked. 

"So you say Frank cant be her dad then make someone else her dad. I don't think so." She said. 

"Frank wanted me to have an abortion. He barley knows her. Hes met her 6 times in the last 9 months of her being alive. He told me he don't want to be a dad." I said.

"So you go off and shack up with some other guy." I snapped. I got up and got Angel in her pram and left, without saying another word.

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