Chapter 13 (s2e2-part 2)

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By lunch I had enough. I knocked on Fraiser's door angrily and opened the door seeing him in a super hero outfit.

"Hey little Wicker. What happening?" He asked.

"I hate the new teacher. He keeps touching my baby bump." I growl.

"He just loves babies." Fraiser smiled.

"Normal people ask before they touch." I said.

"Seeking of. May I?" He asked and I rolled my eyes before he cupped my belly. "There's a tiny person in there." He cooed.

"Really? I wasn't aware." He let go and sat on his desk. "Look fraiser. Hes a good guy who's done some great things but if he doesn't stop I'm calling the police. I'm still under 16 and I'm sure its a type of harassment or I'm sure it actually fall under paedophilia. Tell him to stop. This is my friendly warning." I said and he nodded quickly.

"Done. I'll talk to him when I go for my lunch." I nodded and left.


We all stood outside with armour and weapons. Apparently there fake but they felt a little too heavy to be fake.

"Isn't that heavy?" I asked Mitchell who had metal armour over his chest.

"No. Light as a feather." He grinned.

"Lier." I grinned.

"Alright class. Jamie." He smiled and went to touch my bump.

"I swear I'll go to the police the next time you touch me." I growl and he took a step back. "I forgot my bag. I'll be back in a moment." I hurried inside and grabbed my bag. I walked out when I heard a loud bang. I ran out and saw JO on the floor.

"Oh shit." I hurried overn adn kneeled next to him.

"Are you insane?" Ying asked.

"They wasn't meant to be fired!" Mr Swymmer said.

"Jo? Can you hear me?" I asked.

"My bum hurts." I nodded and looked at Alfie.

"Give me your jumper or something. You need to keep pressure on it." Alfie ripped his jumper off and I pressed down on the wound.

"Mitchell. Go in my back and call an ambulance."

"It'll be alright." Mr swimmer said waving the bun around and Mitchell quickly covered me from his sight.

"Give me that." Alfie took the gun and shot into the sky. Then Pickwell's bird fell from the sky.

"What the hell!" I yelled.

"Signal for help!" Alfie yelled.

"That's flare guns you idiot!" I yelled.

"Ambulance is coming." Rem said.

"Pickwell's coming." Steven said.

"Right if anyone asks. He did it" Alfie said pointing at Mr Swymer.

"That's a lie." He argued.

"Is it a lie or an over exaggeration?" Alfie asked. Pickwell ran to her bird and cried.

"Don't worry the man of steal is here?" Fraiser said tripping over.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" Miss Gulliver asked. I got up so she could help.

"Its not as bad as you think." Mr Swymer waved his arm and I felt impact on my belly.

"Jamie!" I fell to my knees and curled up in pain.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Mitchell and Alfie kneeled next to me as tears fell.

"J? You okay?" I whimper as I hugged my belly.

"We need an ambulance." Miss Gulliver said.

"Jamie called one. Its on the way." Rem said.

"We'll need another." Alfie yelled panicking. Mitchell took my hand and I squeezed it as the pain got worse.

"It hurts." He frowned and gripped my hand as we waited.


I laid in the hospital bed, Alfie next to me. They only let him in because hes my brother.

"I'm fine now Al." I smiled holding his hand.

"You could have lost the baby." He frowned.

"Lets just be glad I didn't. A couple bruised ribs are nothing compared to Joe." I smiled as the doors opened and Mitchell rushed in.

"Are you okay?" He asked hurrying over.

"I'm fine." I said.

"And baby?" He asked.

"Fine. I got a couple bruised ribs. Winded but I'm fine. They do want me to take it easy for a while. Nothing to do with heavy lifting or running for a while." He nodded and kissed my head. That's when the doors opened again and in walked Frank Grayson.

"I was told you was in hospital." He said.

"So?" I asked.

"You both okay?" He asked.

"And you care because?" I asked.

"Still my kid ain't it? He asked.

"NO. Not anymore. Get out Frank." I snapped and he frowned before storming out.

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