Chaoter 26-movie part 2

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I walked around the Eden project pushing Angel in her pram. She happily looked at all the plants and even giggled when she saw a bee. Boyth adn and Mitchell aren't sure where her facination with Bees came from but its better than having a child that was scared of them.

"Oh cheer up you lot. The babies enjoying it." Susan said happily as Angel pointed to another flower. 

"For the last time her name is Angel. Not baby." I said and Susan smiled. 

"MAybe she wants to walk around a bit." I nodded an dgot Angel out, attaching her harness so she couldn't run away. I smiled as we walked aroun, Cleo pushing the pram. "She really likes flowers."

"Here you go." The tour guid handed her a small dasy and she peek out from behinf my leg adn took it. She showed me adn I smiled. 

"Flower." I smiled. 

"Ow.Ow." She mumbled. 

"Dont all girls like floweds?" Rem asked.

"Do I look like I like flowers?" Cleo asked. I rolled my eyes as we kept walking.

"God. This trip is about making memories. No ones going to look back in 10 years time adn say remember the time with the big spade?" Alfie said. There was a happy yell adn everyone looked up, seeing a man on a zip wire. 

"Oh please." Everyone begged Susan.

"Alright. But Im telling you. It'll only end in tears." She said. 

"Im sure they'll be fine." I smiled. "We can go sit over there adn wait for them if you like." I said motioning to the small cafe.

"Good idea." Susan smiled. 

"Dont you want ago?"  Jo asked.

"No thank you. I'll sit here adn look at flowers with Angel." I smiled. "Go on. Have fun." I smiled. Mitchell smiled adn kissed me quickly and kissed Angels head before rushing off. I rolled my eyes adn sat at the small table with Susan adn strapped Angel into her pram before giving her the pink sippy cup of juice. "I swear there all like big kids." I sigh.

"Agreed. esspecually your brother." Susan said. 

"I agree, but in some ways its a good thing. I know he needs to mature a little but don't you think its good that kids have a teacher that they can relate too?" I asked. "You know someone they can trust."

"I suppose." She smiled. 

"How about a coffee. Hot chocolate? my treat." I smiled. 

"Ice tea would be nice." She smiled. Maybe she wasn't that bad. She just wanted whats best for her son. Like I want the best for Angel. 


"I can't believe you." I said looking at Alfie and Mitchell. "There where children there."

"It wasn't my fault." Alfie said. 

"I don't care. I know you want a great time Alfie but if Susan terminates this trip we all go home. No good memories. Nothing. So please try to behave." i begged. 

"We'll be good. Don't worry J." Steven smiled. 

"Thank you." I sighed as I looked over at Angel fast asleep. 

"Hey Mrs Porter? Are those glasses voice activated?" Mitchell asked.

"Why yes." Susan said. 

"Go glasses? Search 2 girls one cup." Susan started to swerve and I gripped Angel protectively. 

"You repulsive little boy. Sit back down." Susan demanded. 

"Mitchell! Sit!" I demand. I was pissed now. Angel started to cry and I quickly grabbed a dummy and put her in my lap, rubbing her back. "Its okay sweetie. We're okay." I smiled as she looked up at me scared. "Its okay. Da Da's being a silly boy. Ma Ma's going to tell him off later." She cuddled into my chest and I rubbed her back as I glared at the two responsible for scaring Angel.

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