Chapter 2 (s1e1-Part 2)

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"I can't whats the point." Alfie whined.

"Sir?" Mitchell asked.

"Oh right. History or something." Alfie waved us off.

"Oh stop being such a pussy its just a girl." Mitchell said.

"That's very prospective." Alfie whined.

"Oh god don't get a cat. Don't get a cat." I mumbled.

"A cat?" Rem whispered.

"After the last girl rejected him he brought home a stay cat. Only the cat belonged to some kid who lost her. It took a month to get Alfie to give it her back. Poor kid. She was only 5." I whispered.

"Mr Whickers may be a bit of a twat. But despite being a twat, don't get me wrong hes a major twat-"

"I think we get the picture." Alfie said.

"I don't. Keep going Mitch." I grin making Mitchell roll his eyes.

"But if he don't mark that shit he'll get fired and we'll get stuck with a different teacher. We can say good bye to class wars and hello to homework." Mitch said.

"Oh god, my parents might send me to one of those all girl schools where your not allowed an electric tooth brush or door handles or anything." Chantell moaned.

"All girl schools aren't that bad." I mumbled. Ying stormed over to Alfie seeking Chinese and I rolled my eyes as Alfie came up with a "brilliant" idea.


I sat at Lunch and sat outside alone.

"J? You okay?" I looked up seeing Chantell and Steven.

"Yeah. Just relaxing a bit. Getting a little sun." I smiled. They both came over and sat next to me.

"So what happened at your old school?" Steven asked.

"I dropped out." I said and Chantell frowned.

"How come?" She asked.

"I hated it there. My mum was constantly on my case to work harder than I could. She put me through all these extra curriculum activities I had no interest in. Like football, swimming, choir, dancing...It drove me to insanity. I was getting A's. Isn't that enough?" I asked and Steven nodded sadly. "I knew if I came here my dad would except anything as long as I was getting good marks on my exams. And Alfie wouldn't care no matter what. So I moved here." I said and Chantell smiled.

"Well I'm sure you'll do better here. Its your last year right? Like us?" I nodded. "I can tell were going to be great friends." I felt my phone go off.

You got any fags?-F

"Ooo, who's F?" Steven asked.

"Frank Grayson." I said getting up.

"Your friends with him?" Chantell asked. "Hes like the schools psycho." She sad making me laugh.

"Don't worry. I'm a big girl. I can protect myself from the big bad boy." I smiled before grabbing my bag and walking off. "See you guys later." I called waving to them.


At the end of the day parents arrived to talk to the teachers and I stood at the back of the room on games."Hey." I looked up and saw Frank.

"Hey Frank. Your parent's here?" I asked.

"No. Prick of a dad did a runner. Mum don't care." He said leaning on the wall next to me.

"Opposite way round with me. Dads too busy to care, mum ran off with some Spanish guy." I said and he smirked.

"We have crap parents. Don't we." He asked making me giggle.

"Yeah. But who needs parents anyway." I smiled waving it off.

"Boo." I looked over seeing Fraiser at the stand on the sage.

"Want to ditch?" Frank asked.

"Nope. Cuz my brother did something stupid and I want to see him dig himself out of it." I grin, causing Frank to smirk.

"We are all going to die." Miss Guliver stated.

"Well this will be fun." I smiled.

"But what if I told you madam that your child wasn't going to make it to 30. Beacuse thats the truth about parmers syndrome. Its a condition that effects 1 in 6 million-"

"So give us all you fuckin money now." Alfie cut off in a strange accent.

"Alfie. Don't be rude." I said innocently.

"Thank you Jamie." Miss Gulliver said. "So I would like to tell you a story of a brave young woman. Who sadly lost her fight to parmers syndrome. Jo's mum. Emma Porter." I grin.

"Hang on. Who?" A woman asked as she pushed her way t the front of the crowed. "Whats going on?"

"Some people take lose hard to take." Alfie said quickly.

"Emma Porter isn't dead." The woman said.

"Denial. 1st stage of grieth." Alfie said.

"Im Emma Porter." he woman said. I walked over.

"2nd stage. Identity theft." Alfie said.

"No I am Emma Porter." The woman said. I tapped her shoulder.

"He could make this go on a while. Do you have any ID?" I asked adn she pulled out her drivers licence. I lifted it up and showed Miss Gulliver.

"I'm very ,much alive and I don't have parlmers syndrome." The woman said.

"Alfie. You said...she had 10 massive fingers." Miss Guliver said.

"Right Mr Wickers. My office now." Pickwell demanded.

"Okay now we can go." I smirked at Frank.

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