chapter 3 (s1e2-Part 1)

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I walked into the school late and saw Frank and his mates picking on my brother. 

"Hey. Being late is great." I smiled and walked over. 

"Why are you late again?" Alfie asked.

"Because she wanted too." Frank said. I grin and pulled out a packet of fags. 

"Here. That's £10 you owe me." I said. Frank turned to Alfie. 

"Pay her." Alfie gulped and quickly handed me the money. 

"Aww thanks bro." I smiled. "Now I need another £5. You owe me from last night." I said.

"I don't have any more money on me. I'll give it you later." I rolled my eyes and turned to Frank. 

"What did they do this time?" I asked.

"They where coming out the girls bathroom. Together." He laughed. 

"Awww. Poor Jo. You can do better buddy." I said seriously. "Anyway. I better get going." I smiled. 

"Don't leave us with him." Alfie panicked. 

"Oh right." I walked over and grabbed Jo's arm. 

"Your a big boy Alfie. We got an assembly to get too." I left quickly pulling Jo with me.


I arrived at the assembly and sighed. I helped Chantell with everyone's hair. 

"So hows practice going?" Steven asked.

"Tiring. After my performance tonight I wont be worried as much. I've practised every day this week and ended up sleeping in. I'm surprised Alfie hasn't asked any questions yet." I said rolling my eyes. "I better get to my seat."

"Hey are you sure you don't want anyone there?" Steven asked.

"No its better if no ones there." I said with a small smile

"If you change your mind let us know." i nodded and hurried to my seat. I smiled as the music started and Steven danced. I looked back and saw my brother face palming. 

"Dickers going to be in shit for this." Mitchell grinned.

"Yes he will be." I giggled. "It'll be hilarious."


Alfie just stood there, not knowing what to do. 

"For god sake Al its just sex education. Its not hard." I sighed scrolling through tumbler.

"Not for you." Rem mumbled. 

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well lets face it. Your fit. So your bound to have slept with a fair share of guys." He grinned and I rolled my eyes. 

"Actually I'm a virgin. I'm not having sex with anything that could give me something." I shivered ion disgust. 

"Better stay clear of Grayson then." Steven mumbled. 

"What?" I asked.

"Now that you mention it. You and Grayson are pretty close." Chantell said. 

"We're mates." I said. "Whats wrong with that? Cuz your all scared of him?" 

"Right!" Alfie said loudly. "I don't want to hear about my sisters love life so we're all okay...talking was invented by the Romans." I rolled my eyes. "I don't know how to do this. Jamie help." I rolled my eyes and stood up. I walked to the bored and drew a diagram of a stick man. I wrote Alfies name above him before drawing a dick on its head. "That's not helping." He mumbled and I shrugged sitting back down.

"Why don't you just draw a frogs dick, so Jo will know what hes going to be sucking on next week." Mitchell said.

"Hey. I have to go too you know." I frown. 

"Why are you going?" Ying asked. 

"Because Pickwell hates me and Alfie things he can score while I'm away." I rolled my eyes. "I leave after that thing tonight."

"What thing?" Alfie asked.

"Nothing." I said pulling out my phone. 

"Please don't make me go to France." Jo pleaded.

"You never know you might like it." Alfie said.

"Id rather shit in my hands and clap." Rem laughed. 

"Why do I have to go to France and stay with farming freaks?" Jo asked.

"Not all farmers are freaks." Alfie said.

"They sent me cheese through the post." Jo said.

"Lucky. I got a bottle of milk." I gagged.

"Wait...the milk Iv been drinking?" ALfie asked. I grin and Mitchell laughed.

"Probably made from the farmers tit milk." Mitchell laughed.

"That's why I haven't drank any." I said. 

"Don't be stupid." Alfie said. 

"They do that. I read it in nutz." Mitch said. 

"And your going to have to wank off a cow." Rem said.

"Why would he do that?" Al asked.

"To get milk." I shook my head pretending I didn't hear that. 

"France isn't that bad." I smirked glancing in Mitchell's direction. "They have skiing and nude beaches." I smiled. "Its where I'll be most of the time." 

"I'll trade places with Jo." Rem said quickly. 

"No Sir. I will." Mitch said standing up.

"Oh shut up." Al said. "Lets just get to the questions. Its all anonymous." He reached into Rems hat and pulled out a piece of paper. "Should I stop strangling when the lips turn blue? Right I'm not even going to give that an answer Mitchell."

"Sir!" Mitch yelled.

"Will any of the french exchange students be on grinder? Steven I have no idea." Al said.

"Luck of the draw I guess." Steven said.

"When did you lose your virginity?" Al asked. 

"J? Why do you want to know?"

"What its a serious question?" I asked innocently. I knew my brother was a virgin. I wanted him to admit it. "It will help your baby sister to know when is a responsible age to lose it." I said innocently. "So dear brother do tell us." Mitch grinned and Rem laughed. Chantell leaned closer to listen. Alfie just scrunched up the paper and threw it away. 

"Is it too bad to ask for a serious question?" He asked.

"Knew it. Virgin." I rolled my eyes and went back onto my phone.


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