Chapter 1

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"Queen Iliya Cyvile, please wait," the maid chased after the white haired queen. A queen reminiscent of snow, cold, with her blue eyes glaring at the maid, "hurry up," she said in annoyance.

     The fated day came, where she was walking toward her carriage, when she saw two people digging the snow trying to clear up the path.

     "Your majesty, we apologize, we didn't know you would arrive this early," the younger of the two said.

      Queen Iliya, bit her lips about to be angry but she hold herself, she knew her anger would soon consume her and she will regret it. So she let out a breath and began to speak as politely as she could, she folded her arm, "I thought I told you, I am going out before lunch, but I guess you didn't think I will be this early. "

     Suddenly, they heard a scream from far away, "YOU HEARTLESS QUEEN OF SNOW!!!"

      Queen Iliya's servant who was standing behind her started to whisper something into her ears.

     "Do you wish to punish them, your majesty?"

    "No, that would be a waste of time."

      Queen Iliya continued walking, "I'm going to leave by my own, don't worry about me, Alice, you can stay behind and help this poor servant."

     The queen left, leaving them on their own as the servants looked at her in fear.


    "Where exactly is this north kingdom Queen?" Queen Allina asked.

    "Be patient, she'll arrive sooner or later, I heard that the snow is quite thick where she lives in," King Lucas said.

      "Hmmph, no excuse, she could've came earlier no matter what, this is ridiculous, time can't be bought with all the wealth in the world. Who does she think she is?"

      Iliya hastened her steps, she came to the dining table, and she observed each one of the royal members who came. "I apologize for being late to the feast, the snow was too thick, so... I couldn't get through it as fast as I would like to," she said while dusting some snow on her dress.

     "Better late than never, heh? Come, you may eat whatever we still have currently," the king said giving a sign for her to sit down.

     "Thank you."

    As she walked down to her seat, she heard whispers from the royal members talking about her. One of the queen decided to step up, she looked angry at her.

     Queen Iliya became alerted of this, she clenched her fist, and the queen started to glare at her. "Hmmph, being late is such a crime, especially in these royal members; we are supposed to be better than anyone around here."

      Iliya couldn't take it, she had enough of a bad day today, so she decided to stand up for her own, she stood up and glared at her eyes.

      "Do you think that just because your kingdom is far greater than mine, you're excused to talk bad about me? Do you think you are far wiser than me?!"

     Everyone in the room were silenced, Queen Iliya began to sat down, she took some grapes and ate it, and she refused to take any other large dishes.

     She could hear the kings are now the one who is whispering to each other, and one of the king whispered; "she's really serious."

     Queen Iliya decided to take an apple, but before she manage to bite it, King Alexander decided to speak, "today I invited each of you concerning the Great Knight's disappearance, I am sure each of you know about this, and due to the nature of it, I am pretty sure most of you feel unsafe now."

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