Chapter 18

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"Wake up Dragon Blood," Amy said, looking at Ulrich who was sleeping on the couch, still surrounded by the woman, he quickly got up. "W-what, whatcha doin' here?" he said, his face turned pale and he was scared of her.

"You fainted, and you are in our main house until we think of a way on what to do with you," Amy said. Ulrich looked around, it seemed like the people that were guarding him has changed shifts, and Ulrich just turned around to look at her.

"Why aren't there any men that guard me? It is possible that I escape because I am much stronger than those ladies I am sure," Ulrich said, "well, look at you little dragon, you don't even know about the strength of Aqua Bloods, the women of Aqua Bloods are stronger than the men," Amy grinned at him, and she clapped her hand twice, and some ladies served her a coconut drink.

She gulped it down her throat, and Ulrich felt thirsty but he rather not, because he wasn't very sure of whether it would be the right decision or not to ask for a drink from someone he doesn't know yet.

"You are the g-granddaughter of Warlice right?" Ulrich asked, "yes, but my grandpa died years ago, like ten years ago before I was born, I heard stories about him being a great wizard, but sadly I am not, I am a physician.

"Well free my master, the king told me to follow them-"

"I'll free the War Blood but I will not free the Magic Bloods, I don't want those to be destroying our town," she said.

"What? They can't hurt cha, ya are one strong lady," Ulrich said, "well, nice words sweetheart, but we aren't taking any chances, and I, am very busy hunting down whales," she told him.

One of the ladies chuckled, she glared the lady, "what are you laughing about, whales are my enemy, they destroyed everything," she said while being angry, "they took away my parents and took away my home, and I can't stand it."

"Well... a king took me away from my mother after killing my dad," Ulrich said.

"We have something in common, the feeling of spite toward things that destroyed our family, what's your name?" Amy said her face lighten up.

"My name is Ulrich Naga," he said.

"Well, in case you didn't catch my name I am Amy, Amy Javerine, and let's see, we could do a trade, I'll free your friends, but you got to do something for me."

"Name it."

She walked to one of the girls that were surrounding Ulrich, she whispered something to her ears, and she started giggling, Ulrich wondered what she was whispering about to the girl, and then another girl started whispering to another one, they all started laughing out loudly.

"Go say it," the girl with ginger hair said, Amy smiled, and she turned around to Ulrich, who was already shocked enough to say anything.

"You see, I kind of like you being here, and it wouldn't really be bad for a new addition to the village, isn't that right ladies?" she smiled widely, and everyone started wooing at her.

"So, I'll have to stay here, while they will go?"

"Well, you don't have any other important business don't you?" she said, "You are just their servant for the journey in the first place."

He kept silent, he thought about it, he could have the freedom, he could finally be out of the slave title. He doesn't want to stay a kept pet, until the day he dies, he wanted freedom, he needed time to breathe, and he needed to do this, but he was thinking about the journey, they needed to fight the undead, they need to defeat them or the entire world might even get conquered by them.

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