Chapter 22

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        The four of them were moving toward Soleileous. They were close, it had been days since they went out from Elerildan to go to Soleileous, and this time they were fully packed with things that helped them. Onyx was the one who was pulling the horses this time, and he was telling stories because they were getting bored with the silence.

"So then, I got like this lady she wanted to buy a ring from me, I asked what gemstone she wanted, she said she wanted an Onyx, so I got confused for a while," Onyx said.

"So, since I could help Onyx and I was standing next to him while we were selling to collect some extra money, I was like, ooh Onyx, that's a good gemstone because this guy is also one gem of a guy!" She said laughing.

"That was probably one of the most embarrassing moments in my life, but yes, we manage to get enough money to refill the stock, thanks to Taiga, she is good at convincing people to buy things."

"I am sorry guys, I'll have ta leave soon like as soon as ya get to Soleileous, I have ta go..." Ulrich said.

"It's fine Ulrich, it was the deal with Amy," Iliya said, "you have to be back there before it is confirmed that three months had passed, and yes, you can have one of the horses, but promise you will go there."

"I keep my promises, and I'll miss ya," Ulrich said.

"Look!" Taiga pointed, "my kingdom, we are finally here."

Onyx eyes widened up as he saw the walls around the kingdom, there were parts of the walls made from gemstone, and he could see that the walls were raised up high and painted yellow, almost like gemstone, and he kept on walking trying to pull the horses.

As they entered the kingdom, the four of them got down their ride and started to remove the bags that the horse was carrying. Onyx looked at the people around, they were frozen and some were smiling and some was about to run, he wondered how long have the people been frozen, but Taiga kept walking, and Onyx got shocked as he saw traces of blood on the ground, nearly washed by the rain, but it was clear that someone bleed on that ground.

"Someone had died over here I believe," Onyx said while following Taiga who was leading the team.

"That someone you said didn't die, she is walking, and the Dark Knight stabbed me, so my blood sort of shed there, and now I have like this big scar, but thanks goodness I am still alive."

Onyx heard that and felt pity for her, the four of them walked toward the castle, passing the people who had been frozen in time, Taiga took a step further and she opened the castle door and next to her throne was her advisor and also a knight she trusted who was frozen in time. The two seemed peaceful despite being frozen.

Taiga sat down on her throne, "okay this is the part you would like to step back," Taiga said.

"Well, I am pretty sure I can handle you just changing back the people into normal," Onyx boasted, but Iliya decided to go outside, along with Ulrich.

"Your wish," she said. She closed her eyes, and she held to her throne, and when she opened it once again, her eyes glowed as the ground started shaking, and Onyx was trying his best to not fall, as it was shaking so violently, but yet the walls weren't falling apart, it seemed like the walls are being restored normally, along with the people, as they started to be move normally.

Onyx fell down on his back because of the earthquake, and the two people beside Taiga's throne started to wake up, they started to be able to move. "Your Majesty, what happened? Wait, were we frozen?" the advisor said, the advisor was an old man around the age of 50 he was carrying a book in his hand, his hair had turned grey and it seemed like he was confused about what had happened.

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