Chapter 5

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      The nurse was bandaging Taiga wound, Taiga was screaming inside the room, while Alfred and Iliya are standing outside hearing the screaming of Taiga in the room. "Are you sure she's going to be okay?" Alfred asked, "if she could scream like that, pretty sure she is fine," she said folding her arms while sighing.

Iliya turned her head to the door, "hope you don't wish to die," she said. Taiga on the other side of the room, "too bad ma'am, I am already wishing to die right now."

Alfred turned his head to the door, "your majesty, well now just Taiga, but do you want to eat anything?" Alfred asked Taiga, "we just ate... oh wait... that was only me... eating the medicine..."

"Taiga, you are drunk," Iliya said.

"Pretty sure I am sober enough to hear what you guys are saying outside."

Taiga got outside, fully bandaged, her arms, her stomach, she just put on her cloak on top of her wound, but it is obvious she is still bleeding, "the nurse said, I will heal in a week, or more, possibly more, but I shouldn't move too much."

"So want to go to your kingdom right now Iliya?" Taiga asked, trying to move her arms that are bandaged, it was hard for her to do it; she ended up moving the bandage a bit.

They went inside the carriage; Taiga and Iliya were talking to each other.

"So where are we going again?"

"To my kingdom, if there are clues in your kingdom, there might be clues in mine."

"Oh yeah, the festival of moonlight, isn't it?"

"Oh you know about that?"

"Who was the one who suggested you remember?'

"I just thought you forgot about the date..."

"Well I don't and I have some business to settle back there."

"Oh that sounds nice!"

They traveled and stopped in few inns, sometimes Taiga complained how it hurts, sometimes Iliya complained a lot, on how Taiga acts recklessly.

Taiga acted like a commoner, she sometimes goes up to a table and just start a fight especially in the bar, even though she is completely sober, she still up to starts a fight. Alfred always tried to stop her, but sometimes, she just punched Alfred.

They finally reached the kingdom, Alfred was freezing he was shaking because it was cold. He was wearing the jacket he used as a belt, but it didn't work much because it was a bit torn.


Alfred was shaking due to the cold temperature, his jacket was torn, so it was exposing his short-sleeved shirt. Iliya was wearing a coat, made with fur; she turned her head toward Alfred.

"Alfred, do you want this coat?" Iliya asked, "N-No your highness, I am going to g-go back in few days anyway, hehe, because I was paid only to come for some days, but my time is nearly up a-and."

Iliya put the coat on him, she casted a spell on herself, "wear that, I'll buy myself a coat," Iliya said leaving; she walked toward the gate and started talking to the guard.

Taiga came near him smirking, "uhh your majesty..." Alfred said feeling uncomfortable, Taiga came nearer to him, he quickly stepped front, "mm-hmm..." Taiga said, Alfred quickly ran straight to the gate, Icy just saw him running pass her.

Taiga got closer to Iliya, "stop," Iliya glared at Taiga, "what?"

Alfred was heaving, he was tired of running, he could see the markets around him, a kid saw him and started giggling, Alfred smiled at the kid, "oh are you the queen fiancé I heard he's coming today!" the kid giggled, "no-wait what?" Alfred said, "but you are an earth blood never mind!" the kid hugged Alfred. "H-hey, how did you know?"

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