Chapter 13

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   A week passed by and it felt as quick as the rain once it finished, Iliya was standing near the window, she saw a dove with a letter flying toward her, she took the letter from the dove. She started opening it and reading it, it was Taiga's handwriting.

I am coming home today evening, hopefully. I am writing this a day before, I know the journey from here to Northern is quite far, but I assure you that I'll return that day. I promise, and I will always do it.

From your beloved younger twin, Taiga Le Vista.

"I wish her letter was a bit more formal, so I could at least read it out to the people here," Iliya sighed, she went walking to the people in the throne room. Queen Irene was ordering people, some of them she shooed them away as soon as they speak, so it made Iliya became a bit curious, Iliya got closer to her mother.

"Your Highness, we can't possibly co-exist with them, the Soleileous and Northern should be a separate kingdom, why are we merging with them? Why do we have to share resources with them, they are just gluttons, a lot of them!"

"I do not wish to speak to you any further, leave."

Iliya got quite shocked after that person left, she went to her mother, "did they just called Soleileous people a glutton?" Iliya asked her mother nervously.

"Iliya, go back to your bedroom, or roam around the town, this is not something for you to be worried about."

"Mother, you taught me responsibility, so I want to learn how to be more responsible when I grow up, even if Taiga didn't become the King, sorry Queen, I am still older than her, I would have to take the throne."

"Taiga is much, much, stronger than you in strength, and she knows her people, there's a chance she takes the throne instead of you," Queen Irene said, she wanted to push her own daughter away, "mother, I am more responsible than her, there are years to go to see who will inherit the throne, but even if I don't get the throne, I know she is more worthy than me, who can be more worthy than me than my own sister to take care of the kingdom?" she said.

"You are giving up early Iliya, that's not the attitude of a Queen that you should inherit, listen this is not for you, you have no power over the people yet, you are just a princess, along with your sister, I am having headache listening to Soleileous people coming here wanted me to call her the prince of Soleileous, but I still think she is a daughter, I am going off-topic am I? I still think Iliya, this isn't the time for you," the Queen became annoyed.

"Mother, Taiga is coming home today, don't you love her too? She's my sister and your daughter too!"

"I didn't say I hated her sweetie, I am just telling you this is not the time for you, how many time do I have to repeat?"

Iliya kept quiet, she walked back to her room. She started to take out a piece of paper and write a summary of what happened on that day, she heard a loud bang outside of her room. She became shocked and walked outside quickly, and then she saw a riot outside.

"Queen Irene we demand separation, or we'll ask someone to take over the kingdom!" the people said.

"I'll be waiting," Queen Irene said, she was looking at the vase that was broken by the people, her hand was cut and it was bleeding. The people left the throne room angry, Queen Irene was left alone.

"Mother!" Iliya exclaimed.

Queen Irene was deeply hurt in her hand. Iliya started to heal her mother using her power, but after a few minutes her mother refused despite the wound was still bad even when it was healed.

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