Chapter 21

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     It has been hours since she walked around the castle trying to find her way out by herself, she had many regrets, and thoughts coming inside her head, she was sweating the walk to find her way out of the castle was like a marathon exercise for her by that point.

"Where am I right now? Is there a map, someone should design a map for this castle," she said, and she reached the library of the castle, which was around three average room big.

"I have no idea, on what floor I am right now, or where the door to go outside supposed to be," Iliya mumbled to herself, "or in fact, whether I am going to spend the night here, or not."

She decided just to spend the night in the library, opening books and just read it, out of tiredness, she decided she would be reading books until she recovered her energy, and she saw many scholars around some of the tables reading books too. She wondered if they are studying under the king, but she decided not to ask and continue reading.

While she was reading, someone came to her and greeted her.

"Hello, why are you still here?"

She raised her head, and it was Alfred, she nearly dropped the book down, but she managed to catch it. "Alfred? You like reading books?"

"That was random, but I don't really read many books, I am trying to hide from someone," he said.

"Well, hide somewhere else, the library is probably an easy target for that person to find you here," Iliya replied, she started reading that book once again.

"She disturbs me in the garden, I am an Earth blood, the garden is my favorite place, please Iliya, help me hide," Alfred said clasping both of his hand together to beg Iliya. "Let me guess, it is your betrothed?"

"How did you-?" Alfred said, his blue sapphire eyes opened wide as he got shocked.

"I met her, no worries, I am not going to disturb the relationship between you two," Iliya said, she continued reading the book as if nothing had happened.

"Anyway, please... let me hide from her, like just one time," Alfred said.

"Number one, I am actually currently lost in the entire castle, number two, I bet she won't even know you are here."

"Oh you are right," he said rubbing his arm nervously along with his nervous smile plastered on his face.

"Suggesting I got lost in the castle, to the point I could not tell what floor I am on right now, chances of her finding you is lower," she said covering her face.

"Why didn't you ask anyone to help you?"

"I am embarrassed, I wore a dress like this, and supposed to be a queen and yet I am just going to randomly ask 'I am lost, what floor am I on right now?' it doesn't feel very good."

"Well, Iliya you are still the same person," he said.

"Same person? I am pretty sure I changed a lot," Iliya said, she put her hand on her face, "except the fact I might just be a little bit prideful, and I am not as prideful as before."

"Well, I could see that," Alfred said grinning, "so are you going out or are you not going to go out?"

"We are both on the same page, I'll be sleeping in the library until morning," she said. "Well, if I don't get caught."

"Iliya, I wanted to apologize," Alfred said.

"Apologize for what?"

"Taiga, she told me everything that had happened to you," Alfred said, "well... if it isn't everything. I am pretty sure some."

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