Chapter 14

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      Queen Irene was walking toward King Leone, they are on top of the tallest tower in the Northern Kingdom, "Leone, I wanted to speak to you, about your plans," she said.

"I told you it is if it the last resort we could take," King Leone said, he turned toward his wife, he looked sad. "Leaving this kingdom, and letting our children take over? They are children!"

"Not now, but when they are 14 years old," the king said.

 "So, we are leaving this kingdom to the 14 years old, genius," Queen Irene said, "you can't do that!" she got mad and a strong breeze came. "Be patient, you shouldn't try to destroy the kingdom too," King Leone said. She calmed down, the breeze turned into snow, she was sad. "I am sorry; I am a bit impatient right now."

"Irene, I love you, I know that you too, don't want to leave our children here, we can't just stay here right now," King Leone said, "if we both still rule, I don't know if our family even be safe, they are getting more aggressive by year, Sheire Bloods, and Light Bloods are not the same sweetie," he said.

"Fine, aren't you going to go to our daughter Taiga, she is coming back today, she's coming from Soleileous, I have to get Iliya ready too," Queen Irene walked down, "I'll see you there too," King Leone smiled.

Iliya was dressed up by her mother, her mother tied her hair, put a flower crown on her, she was given a long dress, with long sleeve, it was sapphire blue, her mother gave her a pair of white shoe. "Come let's go," Queen Irene said.

Queen Irene started entering the carriage, along with her daughter, King Leone came afterward with some sacks of wheat. Looking at this, Queen Irene felt displeased, King Leone felt guilty, he was about to put it aside. "It's fine, I know you need to feed your people too," Queen Irene said.

As they reached Soleileous, they could see people talking to each other. "Go give your people food Leone," the queen said. "Okay!"

King Leone running like a kid started showing the people the sack of wheat he was carrying. "He is like a child," Queen Irene said, "he is like Taiga," Iliya mumbled.

"ILIYA!" Taiga shouted.

"Tell me that's not Taiga," Iliya mumbled. Taiga was running toward her sister, and she hugged her sister like a bear. "OUCH! Did you just become stronger?" Iliya asked.

"Yeah, oh yeah look, I got a sword, I showed it to dad, he was shocked, but look a real sword!" Taiga showed Iliya, Iliya saw it being a steel sword, black steel, shiny, with a blue handle on it, there was a small ruby gem in it.

"Who gave it to you?" Queen Irene asked being shocked, "King Alfrando," Taiga said.

King Leone came running, his clothes were dusty, "Taiga, that is one priceless treasure you can get, King Alfrando gave it to you? King Alfrando De Rais, he only gave his sword to the kingdom he wants to ally."

"Oh..." Taiga said, in a slower tone.

"So, does this mean, Soleileous will get an alliance from Jaegerwoods?

"What else?" Iliya said.

As years passed, Iliya and Taiga are now 15 years old, Taiga had grown as a quite muscular girl, she was wearing gauntlet in her hand while carrying a sword around her kingdom, everyone liked Taiga, in Soleileous, and she was cheered by everyone whenever they saw her.

"Our young majesty is back! She's back!"

Taiga went inside the castle, she started sitting down on the throne, the peoples started sitting around her, "Guard Captain, what's the news of finding King Leone and Queen Irene right now?"

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