Chapter 12

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     Taiga took out things out from the cart, the people started setting up their markets, and Taiga helped the people to put things in their market.

"Taiga, the people here shouldn't know that you are one of the royalties, wear this bandana, it would make you look more like a traveler," Mira said.

Taiga started covering her head with it, "well this cape too, can you keep it for a while?" Taiga asked, Mira, took it and put it inside her pouch, "I swear that I will return it," Mira said.

"I appreciate you," Taiga said.

She started walking around the market area, she saw people selling a lot of things, then there was a young man looking around, Taiga walked toward him, "hello, what are you looking for?" Taiga asked him smiling brightly.

"I... am looking for a ring," he whispered, "I met this girl, and I wanted to marry her... well you won't understand yet since you are a young boy never mind I am busy," he was quite shy, and nervous but Taiga understands him.

"Well, follow me, I can show you where they sell rings," Taiga said, walking toward one of the stalls, he followed her and saw a beautiful selection of rings.

"Welcome, which rings do you want?"

"Well, this one," he pointed, he was looking down, "is he your son?"

"No, I am not," Taiga chuckled.

He put some gold coins, "take it," he said, and then he took the ring. He left, Taiga hi-five the lady, "Your Majesty that was good, can you go invite more people too?"

Taiga walked around, and every time she saw people looking around, she showed them where to go and what they should choose. When it is near sundown, the people started packing up things, before going to sleep in the camp.

Taiga lit up the fire, "your majesty, let us do it," the people came around her, "I want to try too," Taiga said, a spark came out but it didn't lit up the fire. "It's fine your majesty, but you could help the others, it just not for the fire, King Leone might be scared that the fire would hurt you," Austin said.

Taiga put the flint down slowly, "okay, I'll do something else then."

"What about you help with carrying the flour, they are quite heavy for your information," Austin said.

"Okay!" Taiga stood up, Taiga started walking toward the people who were carrying heavy flours, some of them were ladies, but most of them were men because a sack of flour is very heavy.

"Can I carry those?" Taiga asked.

"Child, you cannot carry this, this is quite heavy you know?"

Taiga took the sack; she was carrying on top of her head easily and started running, toward the oven nearby, and placed the sack next to it. People stared at her in shock. Taiga kept passing the sacks toward the oven, and some of the people were baking bread in the oven.

They had a large feast until the time they went to sleep. Except for Taiga, she was a bit awake that night, so she walked around. She started to play around with wooden pieces around her, she was still a child after all, and then she saw a piece of shiny rock.

She quickly put in inside of her pocket, she started to stand up, but stumble a bit due to the unstable ground she was standing, there was not much grass, it was mostly sand, the night was quite sandy, and it was windy.

"What are you doing here?"

Taiga turned around, she saw a young girl, it was young Mila, "actually I was about to ask you the same thing," Taiga replied. "My father wanted some herbs medicine, but the shop is closed, so I wanted to go into the forest, but I guess I got lost," she said, brushing her hair back a bit due to the wind.

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