Chapter 3

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     The fire started to crackle, slowly every time the sticks are thrown into it. Iliya was lighting up the fire, trying to make it grow higher. Meanwhile, Alfred is rubbing his eye and yawning, seemingly tired from the journey.

Iliya grabbed a rock and sat on it, she started to take out some bread that she brought from the shop earlier in the morning, Iliya looked at Alfred in the eye, he looked quite thirsty, so Iliya handed him a flask of water. He nodded and drank it; he closed the top of the flask and handed it back to Iliya.

"You sure look sad, is it because you left your sister at home?" Iliya asked, while putting the bottle inside her bag.

He smiled, "your highness, do you have a sister too?"

"One, she's my twin sister, we used to look alike, but now we are just quite a polar opposite."

"Is she taking care of your kingdom right now?"

"We live in different kingdom right now."

"I thought it would be easier to just merge the kingdom together instead of separating it between you."

"We were taught on how to handle our own kingdoms since we were little, it wasn't a big deal."

Iliya took a knife and start cutting the bread into half, "want some?" Alfred nodded and took the half of the bread that she gave.

"She was also trained by a knight from my father's kingdom, to us, he is like our beloved older brother, and our dad trusted him."

"You must really love your sister then, you sound like you care about her," he smiles at Iliya.

"Yes, after all she is my only sister after all."

Alfred saw a stick on the ground, and he took it and started to use a knife on it, trying to make a sharp edge on the stick.

"I used to think we could be together forever, but now I realize she's going to leave me alone, sooner or later."

"I get that feeling sometimes too."

"Well, we're quite on the same side then."

Alfred dug the stick on the ground, and took another one, and kept sharpening it too. "Out of curiosity, when did you learn that feeling that she's going to leave you one day?"

Iliya eyes turned dark, "the day that I realize my mistake could potentially, change everything."

It was still in her memory, that day.

When she was walking in the hall, wearing the most beautiful of dresses and her hair was the same colour as her sister. It seemed like that day was perfect, she just had to sit down on her throne that day, smiling.

She walked to her throne and sat down, she turned her head to her left, the other throne made out of beautiful gems, ruby, and out of the hardest of rock. While her throne was made out of glass, and was decorated with pearls and sapphire.

She sighed; she was waiting for someone no other than her own sister, Taiga Le Vista. Then all of sudden, she heard horse neighing, and everyone in the room became alerted, there was sound of rushing footsteps, and someone quickly pushed the door, her eyes was glowing yellow, and as she walked in the glow started to fade.

"I apologize for being late!" Taiga screamed she was wearing a large cloak on top of her; she wasn't wearing a dress at all, boots, and was wearing some iron gears beneath it. Iliya was trying to keep her cool, so she kept quiet, although her expression made it obvious, that she was annoyed.

Her guards came behind her; Taiga walked to her throne and sat down. Taiga was turned her head to Iliya, she was smiling but Iliya was frowning a bit. A person from the crowd took out a scroll and started to announce;

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