Chapter 2

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She woke up, she was inside a bed, it doesn't seem very comfortable to sleep in, she tried to move but it hurt, she started to observe her body, it was wrapped in bandages everywhere, she realized her clothes were changed into something simpler, she was wearing a dress before, but now she's only wearing a shirt and some short.

          She tried standing up, but her body seemed weak, she quickly held onto a wooden pillar, she let out heavy breaths as she moved.

             "You're going to hurt yourself like that."

            Iliya looked up, she saw someone about her age, who has ginger hair and sapphire blue eyes, wearing a shirt and used a checkered jacket as a belt, he was wearing a long grey trouser, Iliya looked at him and anger struck her, she tried to punch him but he managed to block her using his palm.

            "Who in the bloody hell are you?" she glared at him.

           Iliya let go of her hand back, "that's not a way to talk to someone who saved you, also my name is Alfred, Alfred Lister,"  Iliya observed him,  she saw two knives between his jacket, covered with a leather sack.

           "What did you do to me?"

           "Chill, I did nothing to you; my sister just wrapped you in bandages."

     A sister, who is this guy? How did I get here?

     Iliya tried to remember what happened, and then she remembered things that have happened on the ship. She stepped back, two at a time, she staggered a bit when she walked.

         A young girl came running, her hair was tied in a pigtail. She quickly hugged her brother, "Ice Queen, don't hurt him!" Iliya looked at the young girl, her body seemed to be very thin, she looked quite pale.

         Iliya saw her things lying beside the bed, she took it and it seems wet.  "How long have I been here?" Iliya asked while taking her bag. She looked around, "I am going to leave, sorry for disturbing you, I apologize for my rudeness," Iliya walks toward the door, Alfred turned his head to Iliya, "tell us your name at least," he said, Iliya stopped at the door, "Iliya Cyvile Le Vista, call me Iliya," she said and she left the house.

         When she got outside, she realized she was in a small village. She looked at the shirt she was wearing, "I look like a poor citizen if I keep wearing this," she said. She kept on walking, she saw a small town after a while she walked she hastened her steps, walking toward the town.

       She saw a shop, there were nice clothes on the display of the shop. She opened her bag; there was nothing inside her wallet. She sighed and left, "now I feel like Taiga is-"         

      She felt a hand on her shoulder, "Icy! What happened to you, thank goodness you are safe!" Iliya turned behind, it was Taiga again.

            "Of course I am safe, what do you mean by that?"

           Taiga observed Iliya from the bottom of her feet to the top of her head and folded her arm, "What happened to you? You look like a total poor person right now, like even your hair made you look like an old lady if you look from far," Iliya hit her sister on the face, "that was a complete insult for your information, and answer my question please."

                Taiga put her hand on her face, "okay, I haven't seen you for the past 3 days, I was waiting for you at your kingdom a day ago, but you weren't there, I was starting to worry because the ship left long time ago, I was waiting until late night but you weren't there, and I heard the ship didn't arrive at all."

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