Chapter 10

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   In the daylight, where the birds were chirping and people were walking around in the castle, Iliya was sitting in the clinic, and Taiga was sitting on a stool next to her. Iliya's body felt very weak but she could eat by herself. She was eating the porridge that Taiga had bought for her, Iliya didn't like the bland taste of the porridge, but she knew that if she doesn't eat this, her sister would try to force her too, so she just swallowed it down her throat despite not liking it.

Taiga was reading a book about weaponry on a chair; her cape goes down to the floor, both of her legs were folded, she was reading it full of focus, trying not to get bored.

"Taiga-"Iliya was about to stand up.

"NO, STAY!" She shouted and her face was filled with anger mixed with worry.

Iliya stays put in her bed. She knew her sister was worried about her, and she shouldn't make her worry even more.

Alfred came into the clinic; he looked right and left trying to find Iliya. He saw her eating porridge, with her face frowning due to the bland taste. Alfred walked closer toward her, "hey your highness," Alfred smiled.

"I am no longer, a 'highness' Alfred."

Alfred smiled; Alfred put a small pouch at Iliya's lap. Iliya looked at the pouch, she was about to open it, but Alfred stopped her from doing so. Taiga felt odd, she raised an eyebrow to Alfred.

"Open that, when you need some extra motivation."

"I am not feeling in need of motivating but thanks."

The nurse came nearby, "the clinic is about to be closed, and we had vowed and we will not hurt your sister... No need for extra worry."

Alfred looked at Taiga with the corner of his eyes, Taiga was putting the book over her face but it was obvious she was smirking. "Let's go to the inn Alfred!" Taiga grabbed Alfred by his collar which caused him to stumble.

The door of the clinic closed, Taiga was standing outside with Alfred. "What is wrong with you?" Alfred asked Taiga, Taiga let go of his collar. "I wanted to talk to you for a moment."

Alfred gulped, he was thinking what was the thing that she is going to ask him about, he felt a cold sweat dripping down his neck and Taiga looked serious as she folded her arms if almost felt like getting interrogated by someone who knows what he is thinking and he was worried if she was going to ask him what happened while he was gone. Taiga let out a breath and began to speak.

"You like her don't you?" She raising an eyebrow.

Even though her answer isn't as serious as what he thought he still took a step back, he tried to run away from her but Taiga grabbed his coat before he had a chance to do so. "S-sorry but I think it is a misunderstanding, please don't harm me, "Alfred begged Taiga.

"Relax; you think I am going to eat you?" Taiga glared at him, she spitted out her tongue, "human flesh doesn't taste good man."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW HOW IT TASTES???" He looked at her in fear, he remembered her when she turned into a lion. He was worried that in that form she also had eaten someone.

"I don't, but I am pretty sure it will taste bad, relax," she sighed, and she looked down a moment and looked back into his eyes, "listen she's the commoner and you are the commoner right now, and well we are all commoners currently."

"What in the world do you mean, your majesty?"

"I am saying, you should go talk to her while you can, sister approved."

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