Chapter # 13

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Alizey was crying in her room, she felt so humiliated and vulnerable that she wanted to kill him at that moment she was so much angry at him because he made her helpless.

Mia was hugging Alizey and was consoling her with sweet words.

"Is she alright!" They both got startled by Jacks voice.

Alizey parted away from Mia and faced Jack. "Do I look alright to you!" She spoke sarcastically and marched towards Jack in complete anger to which he moved back looking a bit scared. "I'm going to kill that boss of yours. Trust me! I will put chili paste in his eyes, so he will become blinder than I will beat him to pulp with my BARE HANDS!" She shouted the last part on top of her lungs while crying, making Jack to cover his ears.

"Jeez woman slow down. You're damaging my eardrums for CRYING OUT LOUD!" He spoke in the same manner as hers earning a death glare from her. "And trust me don't even think about this chili paste revenge of yours because Alexander isn't the man with whom you can play this thing on, and he will not let you leave without harming you. Just try to stay on his good list and you'll be fine but if you tried to offend him he can do worst." Jack spoke in a serious tone.

She was stunned for a moment because in all these days this the first time Jack is being serious in front of her and his words scared her more instead of calming her.

He gave a slight tap on her head like she's a child. "You look so adorable while crying. Can I pull your cheeks?" He spoke while grinning like a kid and tried to hold her cheek.

She abruptly moved back. What's with this idiot, one moment all serious and the other all doofus. She looked at him weirdly, but he just ignored her and moved forward trying to pull her cheek. She squealed lightly and run behind Mia who laughed slightly at their behavior.

Mia was caught of guard when Jack pulled her cheeks lovingly while making weird baby faces. Alizey burst into the fits of laughter while looking at Mia's face which turned red in embarrassment. Mia jerked his hands away and glared at him. Jack also started laughing.

Alizey was laughing while tears were still present on her cheeks all of a sudden her eyes landed on the person standing in her doorway. Wrestler was watching them with an emotionless face. She remembered his name to be Lucas. She stopped laughing and wiped her tears. Mia and Jack observed her behavior and followed her gaze.

Jack stood up and some type of teleport signal was passed between his and Lucas eyes. Jack turned back to Alizey and Mia and ruffled Mia's hair and Alizey's hijab earning death glares from them. "Doofus!" Alizey says while fixing her hijab.

"Behave!" Jack spoke making Alizey to huff out in response. "Why? It's not like you're older than us. Maybe you're younger than I. What's your age doofus?" Mia tried to interrupt Alizey but Jack signals her to keep quiet. Jack gave Alizey a smug look "I'm 26!" He said Cooley making her gasp out loud her hands were on her mouth now and eyes wide as saucers.

He looks like the youngest amongst all the men here and if he's 26 than she doesn't even want to know how old are others.

For a split-second she saw a slight smile on that emotionless wrestler face but it was gone as soon as it came. Jack laughed at her before leaving her in shock state.

Later Alizey prayed her prayers and help Mia in making dinner. She was glad that they are back in mansion. She was feeling like a trapped prey when she was with him alone yesterday. She will try to stay away from his sight as much as possible.

Alex was sitting in his office doing work and his mind was going back to that doe like blue-eyed girl. It's been a whole week since that little strip incident, and he hasn't seen her since that day. It was making him so frustrated. Even tho he has seen her on his screen doing work in the mansion but damn she was so persistent in hiding from him. She has learned his schedule and will complete all her work before he could arrive at the mansion than she'll just lock herself in her room until he left for work.

He didn't go back to his house in all these days just to get a glimpse of her but damn she was adamant on hiding from him. But today was different as she was doing almost all the chores and Mia was now where to be seen. A plan formed in his mind and smirked inwardly. "Let's see how long you can play this game of hide-and-seek little doe."

Alizey completed all the chores and she was hell tired. Mia was sick today so Alizey didn't let her work and instead did all the chores by herself. She ate her dinner silently and placed the beast dinner on the dining table. Everyone was already retired to their room, so she also immediately left so that she don't have to face the ignorant beast.

She locked her room and freshen up did her ablution and her prayers. She changed into her
Cotton shirt, removed her hijab and slumped down on her bed. But before she could drown in her deep slumber. She heard the ringing of a phone her brows twitched up in confusion and her eyes landed on the bedside table where an intercom was present which was never there before. She in her half sleepy form picked up the call. "Hello! Who's this?"

She jerked upward in shock after hearing that deep voice. "I want my dinner in my room in five minutes." And with that said he cut the call.

She was looking at the wall with wide eyes. There was no doubt it was beast who ordered her just seconds ago. She looked at the intercom and then at the time.

She wore her hijab in a half sleepy form and left towards kitchen.

She is not going on his floor that was for sure. Now she has to do is warm his food and find a suitable someone to take this food to him. But who in their sane mind would be up at this time. Mia was sick, she was probably sleeping by now so that's a complete no. Now only one left is Jack, she only prayed that he's awake.

Slowly with the tray of food she made her way to his room. She holds the tray of food in one hand with quite difficult and with her other hand she knocked on the door. Three minutes no response, five minutes no response, ten minutes no response.

She was getting scared now. If, she won't find anyone soon to do her work. That beast will definitely kill her.
Allah, please help me...

She thought her prayers got heard when she saw Cane going towards his room. Cane stopped when he saw her approaching. "Umm...I need a little help please." She spoke with the most innocent face she could muster.

At that moment he felt something strange towards her. But before he could answer, his phone started ringing, he looked at the caller ID and frowned but nonetheless picked it up and with a simple okay he cut the call. He faced her again. "As much as I wanted to help you I won't! Take this as my revenge for making me bring curtains for you so can complete your escape plan. Now excuse me Miss Alizey."

With that said he left to his room leaving dumbfounded Alizey behind. He just said no to her. If she considered him a gentleman once she was so wrong. He's also doofus! She thought.

Praying slowly she made her way to his floor which was completely dark much to her horror. She saw large door at the right end corner of the corridor. The light of that room was on, so he maybe there.

As she was getting closer her heart started beating faster. She was continuously praying in her heart. Last time she was alone with him wasn't good at all. The only thought in her mind was to put the tray on the nearby table and leave that place in a lightening speed.

Slowly with sweaty hands she knocked the doorbefore she could knock again the door opened on its own. She peeked in slowly, he wasn't in the sight, so she stepped in the room and to her astonishment it was so luxurious and beautiful with king-sized bed in the middle a beautiful terrace in front, a single bed sized couch on the side. Two doors were there one must be the restroom but what was the other door for. She was so much engrossed in admiring the room. "Put it on the table."

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she heard his voice from beside her. She got startled that the tray was about to fall from her hands, but he was fast enough to make it balance before it could fall. She hesitantly moved towards the table and just as she planned with the speed of light she tried to run out but luck wasn't on her side. When his voice boomed in the room "Lock!" She turned the doorknob but it wasn't opening.

He smiled inwardly, little tigress didn't know that his voice is the only way to lock and unlock the door other than pass code which she probably did't know.

He knew this little tigress will do everything in her will to avoid him, so he intentionally ordered to place the intercom in her room. He knew Mia was sick so Alizey will not have any choice, other than to bring him the food.

He was observing her moves from his laptop screen, when she was in the kitchen warming the food. But instead of coming to his floor that little tigress went towards Jacks room. She was planning to send someone else with his food here. But poor thing didn't know Jack was out for some work. She kept on knocking for ten fucking minutes. He felt like dragging her all the way here.

But when he saw her eyes lit up seeing Cane he groaned out in anger why the hell Cane has to appear now. She told him something with pleading face that face she made could get anyone on their knees. He immediately dialed Cane's number. He picked on the first call. "Don't you dare help her!" Alex says in a stern voice and Cane replied with a confused. "Okay."

He saw her face saddened. Why the heck she's so sad to face him. And now looking at her trying to escape the room angered him more. What's wrong with her? He calmed himself down and spoke in a cold emotionless voice. "Come here."

She became still as a statue for a second and then slowly turned. "Open the door." She said with so much courage.

He on the other hand had enough of her hide-and-seek games. "Why were you hiding from me?" On his words her face paled.

He noticed!

She thought he wouldn't notice it, but he did. She replied sternly. "I wasn't!" He walked towards her to which she started taking steps back. "S-Stop!" She said trying to move further back.

He stopped at her words but his cold gray orbs were boring in her soul. She was wearing a cotton shirt with pants. His eyes roamed her body from head to toe.

She felt chills run down her spine on his gaze.
She really wanted to runaway from there at that moment. His gaze scared her.

He scared her!

She was looking beautiful as ever even in those simple clothes. He wanted to see her dazzling hair again.

"Why are you wearing it on your head again? I've already seen your hair so it doesn't matter anymore." He moved forward to remove it. Her eyes widened in complete fear and she moved back. "NO! You can't see my hair. Don't you understand! Open the door."

Her sentence was cut in mid when he yanked her wrist towards himself and in an instant held both of her wrists behind her back with his one giant hand and with his other hand he immediately removed her hijab throwing it on the bed in the process. "NO!" She shrieked.

 "NO!" She shrieked

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