Chapter # 42

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Days passed as Alex and Alizey shared the room. After the kiss that night he told her that she'll be sharing his room morning and night.

His behavior towards her change drastically, he took her out sometimes for dinner because he knows she loves food.

Every night she would sleep on the farthest corner of the bed so that he won't touch her, but he like always pulls her in his arms and cuddle her to sleep. He has gotten addicted with her scent, no more he can sleep alone, he needed her by his side always.

She used to struggle to get out of his embrace in the first few days but now she didn't, it was like she's accepting him and that thing only warmed his heart.

Alex was the one who woke up early in the morning, but he didn't leave the bed at once, he just laid their with Alizey in his arms drowning in her rosy scent.

He didn't know why, but he felt immense feeling towards her, and he was scared to admit that he's in love with a woman who loves someone else.

What can he do now, he had her, but she's still not his. Either he can hurt her till life or can simply be man enough and try to make her fall for him. He's been rude and cruel to her, but he should try to show his love now because now she's his wife, and he must win her heart.He is a selfish person, he knows she loves Cane, but he wants her to himself, and he'll do everything in his will to make her his body, heart and soul, everything.

With that determination, he kissed her temple and left the room.

Alizey woke up with the burning smell of food, she immediately sat straight, she hurriedly freshens up and the next thing she was running down the stairs into the kitchen and the sight in front of her had her stomach jolting in laughter.

Alex was standing in kitchen with flour all over his face, and few burned pancakes lay in front of him as he stared at her flustered.

Alizey couldn't believe her eyes that a big bad alpha is cooking and to top it all, he's flustered. "I thought I'll cook something for you." He mumbled scratching his neck.

Alizey stared at him with her jaw on the floor. The one who made her do so much work, the one who never let her rest is making breakfast for her. "Are you drunk?" Before she could control her tongue, she blurted out, her hands shot to her mouth in horror.

Alex only chuckled at her. "No probably not!" He looked at the mess he created, and then he removed his apron, wiped his face with tissue paper, took the car key and hold her hand as he went in the garage.

Alizey again saw that car which she had hit with hammer, she asked him where he was taking her, and he simply said for breakfast.

They both were sitting in one of the most famous restaurants waiting for the ordered food.Alizey couldn't understand the change in his behavior, he's behaving extremely weird, he looks in a good mood from yesterday. She's still embarrassed because of the last night kiss and wasn't even looking him in the eyes.

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