Chapter 9

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Luna Kara made her way to the Beta quarters, too watch over Raven.

She had promised Mason that she would be there soon, but was delayed by a slight emergency, keeping her away longer than she expected to have been.

She was hoping that she hadn't stayed been gone for too long and that Raven was still sleeping.

As she neared the bedroom, she heard whimpering and shouting, quickly picking up her pace, stepping into the room, she froze in shock at the sight before her.

Growling, "Vanessa, get off her." She ordered, moving forward and grabbing the blonde-haired woman's arms from behind, pulling her back with force, keeping a firm grip on the mad woman.

Vanessa, in her angry fuelled haze, snarled and snapped at the person who dared touch her, not realising it was her former Luna.

"I need help...come to Mason's room." Kara mind linked her husband, Rafe.

Hearing the urgency in his mate's voice, Rafe ran at speed upstairs. As he entered, he growled loudly, his mate was struggling to hold onto a she wolf.

"Enough...!" He growled out, both women stilling at hearing the authority in his voice.

Kara sighed in relief, still keeping a grip on Vanessa's arms from behind, "Thank goodness you are here..." She spoke to her mate.

Smiling gratefully at him, when he grabbed Vanessa's arm and dragged her from the room.

Rafe barked out orders to the two warriors nearby, telling them to hold onto Vanessa, take her down to the cells and lock her up, he would deal with her later.

At their nod, he turned back around and went back into the room, wanting answers.

Kara had gathered a sobbing Raven into her arms, rocking back and forth, whispering soothing words to the young woman.

"What the hell happened?" Rafe asked his mate.

Looking up at her mate, she could only shrug her shoulders, "I'm not sure. When I got here, Vanessa was attacking Raven. I tried to stop her...but she kept trying to get out of my grip." She informed her mate.

"We better get Mason here...she is not going to calm down." Rafe quietly spoke, sitting down on the bed, near his mate and Raven, his heart hurting at seeing the frail young woman crying, she was like a daughter to him, his hand gently rubbing up and down her back, trying to help calm her down.

Kara agreed, only a mate would be able to help in this type of situation, cursing Vanessa for doing this, wondering why the she wolf had attacked Raven or perhaps she already knew the answer to her question.

But she thought that it was already resolved months ago, guess they are going to have to wait and see what really happened.

"If only you men could keep a restrain on your hormones." She grumbled lowly, muttering under her breath.

Rafe stared shocked at his mate, "What brought that on?"

"Just get Masonhere." She growled lowly, glaring at her mate.

His Defiant Mate - Book 3 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now