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Happy dance!!!

Book 3 Completed!!!

If you have come this far, I would like to thank you with all my heart for the support given.

And to anyone reading my stories, thank you for your votes and support.

As always, I would like your thoughts on whom you think the traitors are? Am I doing a good job in keeping the suspense up so far?

Please let me know J

So watch out for...

Book 4 - Beholden to his Mate

I'll be honest, it is nerve racking trying to put my ideas down.

In my brain, I can vision the beginning, middle and end of my story.

But, it's the in-between, which freaks me out, especially when I have to write it all completely down.

And then there is my imagination...while I am writing this story, my brain is already thinking up a new story. So, I have to really work hard to concentrate and not mix up the two or three stories, which is running around in my mind.

Even now, as I write this, I am thinking of a new book, something along the lines of a rejected mate, a lonesome lycan, two souls coming as one...

Dang nab it...I'm doing it again!!!

Let's just get this series completed first, I'm sure everyone will appreciate it.

Here is a list of the series:

Finding Their Mate Series

Book 1 - A Precious Claim - Completed

Book 2 - Captivated By Her Innocence - Completed

Book 3 - His Defiant Mate - Completed

Book 4 - Beholden to His Mate - Coming Soon

Book 5 - The Missing Luna - Coming Soon and the Final Book

Again, thank you for your support and I appreciate constructive criticism.


Luv ya all 😊🤗😊

His Defiant Mate - Book 3 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now